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Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Students Win Spelling Bee at Deal Island School

Seven Schools in Somerset County Public Schools are participating in this year's Sripps National Spelling Bee. The schools will choose top spellers to participate in the regional spelling bee which will be held on March 5, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. at Ella Fitzgerald for the Performing Arts at UMES. Participating are Woodson Elementary School, Crisfield Academy and High School, Somerset Intermediate School, Washington Academy and High School, Greenwood Elementary School, Princess Anne Elementary School and Deal Island Elementary School.

Photo One - Photograph-Champion -Austin Culotta-5th grade

Photo Two - Photographs Runner Up-Caleb Parks-4th grade


  1. Congratulations Austin and Caleb.

  2. Best school around by far.

  3. Congratulations to the two young men. Way to go!!!

  4. That’s the same Austin Calotta that emailed a girls school to try to get her kicked out because she backed the blue.


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