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Sunday, February 07, 2016

Stolen Car in Salisbury

Please be aware that 427 Pinehurst was broken into this morning between 8am and 9am and their keys in the house were taken and their car was stolen. It is a white Kia Soul. Please contact SBY police dept of you might have seen anything this morning. (410) 548-3165

(Above is a photo of a vehicle similar to the one stolen this morning.)


  1. Maybe their all knowing computer can tell them where it is, time for a pred pol check roflmao

  2. That once was a safe neighborhood.

  3. wow they must be hard up to steal a kia !

  4. 6:03----My thoughts exactly.

  5. Most thefts are a matter of convenience and the keys were sitting there.

  6. There's a rash of break-ins going on in that neighborhood, including a "large black male" kicking a back door out of its frame to get in while occupants were away at work. Security camera footage was taken. Maybe we'll see it soon.

  7. Kia's are actually awesome cars.


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