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Sunday, February 07, 2016

SPD Press Release 2-1-16 (Assault Investigation/Arrests)


  1. Htye will have fun in prisonFebruary 1, 2016 at 3:06 PM

    plenty of fighting in jail for them...

  2. I'm sure they complied when he politely asked them to turn down the music

  3. I doubt he asked politely.

  4. Good for the old guy standing up to thugs.

  5. Teacher at Bennnet! Probably knew what he was up against, hence the golf club? Sad situation

  6. good job mr. smith. if we all stood up to the thugs they would not feel as free to cause trouble.

  7. Hey Salisbury, wake up....thugs think they can do whatever they want, and they do.. Especially in groups.

  8. smith, you're an idiot

  9. He has to deal with out of control thugs at school all day ...He probably just had enough and snapped.

  10. Good job Mr. Smith! I'm tired of listening to their foul-mouthed gangsta crap too.

  11. Mr. Smith ,
    You go man ! thank you for your assault on this thug. We have had enough of the black crap.

  12. Music is Prejudice against whites, murdering cops and white conservatives. Its being played on every playground and is sickening.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Hey Salisbury, wake up....thugs think they can do whatever they want, and they do.. Especially in groups.

    February 1, 2016 at 7:25 PM

    I agree! Thugs like Mr. Smith are not wanted in this area!

  14. I say good for Smith. I live by price st school. We have so many little wanna-be thugs walking up and down the st all night tearing up what I try to keep nice.I think he snapped I feel the same way at times dealing with the wanna-be's walking by my house. GO GET A JOB.

  15. Let's make it a new sport "thug golf"

  16. What a joke the way these kids are coming up!! Music so loud it's rattling window and can't even understand the lyrics when you can its all about what out society has become!! Walking around A•• hanging completely out of their pants. Yes good for you Mr. Smith I confront them at every possible opportunity

  17. Get rid of fredrickson and give Mr Smith his job.

  18. I wouldn't want to dent my titleist 3 wood on one of those bone heads

  19. Joe I hope a call to the DA office is being made, Matt drop this case on both ends.


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