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Monday, February 22, 2016

Smart or Stupid?


  1. Reminds me of that stupid design on Isabella st. Designed to slow people down. A BIG waste of money

  2. I would like to know what the cost difference would be for a circular bridge compared to the straight bridge?

  3. Looks to me like it costs double money. I still have the ability to turn my head from side to side. If it's accident avoidance they wanted, a row of Jersey barriers down the center line does the trick.

  4. 7:33 AM

    UHH well more material equals more time which equals more money... Did you take common core or can you not google it?

  5. Yes, architects and some engineers build monuments to themselves at taxpayer expense. Keep drinking that CoolAid!

  6. Another "nanny state" for all the fools who would race across killing each other along the way. If the government of Uruguay believe it is their duty to save fools from themselves, it is a great ideal. Be on the lookout for the USA to start over producing this type of bridge.

  7. Very costly piece of art.

  8. And the fishing is really good in the middle.

  9. It's at least 3.14159 times more expensive.

  10. Must have been a protected species of snail there.


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