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Monday, February 01, 2016

Sessions: 2016 is 'THE LAST CHANCE' To Save America

Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, a leading voice on trade, immigration and executive powers, is urging Americans to choose their next president carefully because 2016 "is the last chance for the American people to take back control of their government."

In a sober interview with Secrets, the Republican warned that liberal special interests, Wall Street moguls, and international media conglomerates are fast turning the United States into just another member of the European Union and that the effort is being led by a Democratic president eager to go his own way with executive orders.

"This election is different because we have pell mell erosion of law, the constitutional order, where President Obama has pushed an agenda that eviscerates the immigration legal system, and pushed this trade agreement that will commence decades of transferring American economic power to an ever-expanding international commission. It's just not going to stop" unless voters take action, he warned.

"This is the way the European Union began," he added.

Highlighting immigration and trade, Sessions urged voters to choose a candidate who will commit to killing the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal with nearly a dozen Asian nations which is slated to cost 448,000 U.S. jobs, and finally make good on 30 years of promises to put an end to illegal immigration, which is costing the nation billions in welfare and undermining U.S. wages.

"I think this election is the big one. To win, Republicans need to demonstrate that they care about the average person who goes to work every day," he added.



  1. You owe it to your children & grand-children, you owe it to your mothers & fathers who fought and died for this country and it's moral ideals and., you owe it to yourself to read and rationally digest what Senator Sessions is saying here. These are the words of a wise man.

  2. 9:46 You are correct. As responsible voters we need to make the changes now or it will be too late. The only way to save our Country now is to get Trump or Cruse in the White House.

  3. The EU will be dead soon. They cannot have open borders and one currency with the massive amount of immigrants living off the state. Denmark is drowning in debt because of financial support of its citizens and NEW immigrants. It cannot continue much longer.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:46 You are correct. As responsible voters we need to make the changes now or it will be too late. The only way to save our Country now is to get Trump or Cruse in the White House.

    February 1, 2016 at 11:01 AM

    If you depend on any one person to save this country or anything else, you will be disappointed.

    The gov't gets its power from we the people and the consent of the governed. WE have the power but never use it. We keep electing people who promise the 'change' things and anything else they think we want to hear.

    And yet when a few do stand and fight for their rights they are criticized, arrested, murdered and intimidated, like those in Oregon.

    The people have to decide if they want to be free or continue to be slaves.


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