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Monday, February 08, 2016

Secretary Kerry Says ISIS Aren't Muslims

At a conference of coalition members tasked with fighting ISIS in Rome yesterday, Secretary of State John Kerry said members of the terrorist organization are not Muslims but apostates of Islam.

“Daesh [ISIS] is in fact nothing more than a mixture of killers, of kidnappers, of criminals, of thugs, of adventurers, of smugglers and thieves,” Kerry said. “And they are also above all apostates, people who have hijacked a great religion and lie about its real meaning and lie about its purpose and deceive people in order to fight for their purposes.”



  1. From being a traitor during the Viet-Nam conflict (remember him being pictures with Hanoi-Jane Fonda?), to supporting the slime terrorists of the modern day - truly an OweBlama yes-man!

  2. Kerry is a traitor and a lying pos.

  3. Islam is not Muslim, all the same Religion.

  4. No, Kerry, they're all Buddhists.

  5. When is the Million man Muslim March against radical Islam?

  6. Do not believe anyone that Obama appointed. Obama promised a transparent government and we've learned to see right thru all the lies.

  7. After the next election Kerry will be the new CEO at Ripley's.

  8. Kerry is the biggest liar so far... as if it's a contest! What's your next claim, Idiot?

  9. he better start paying more attention.
    The MUSLIMS are saying that they are muslims.
    And is Kerry a muslim, because he seems to know exactly who is a muslim and what they believe.
    I'm tired of people who don't know jack about muslims telling US what muslims think and believe


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