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Monday, February 08, 2016

Schlafly Charges Marco Rubio with Lying, Deception to Hide Amnesty Plans

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) is campaigning in New Hampshire with his hugely unpopular 2013 amnesty bill still chained to his legs — and conservative veteran Phyllis Schlafly is determined to wrap it around his neck.

Schlafly has just issued a 15-page report charging Rubio with repeated betrayals of his 2010 conservative allies, starting with his willingness to draft and promote an amnesty bill that he promised to oppose when he was campaigning in 2010.

“Rubio used amnesty opposition to get elected before coming to Washington to push the biggest mass immigration / amnesty bill anyone had ever seen… Rubio’s entire career rests on the fact that no one will question his syrupy scripted bites and homeroom-president style rehearsed speeches,” Schlafly said in hew new report.

Her fierce report, “Rubio Record On Immigration,” says four times that Rubio lies, and three times that he deceives.

After promising to oppose amnesty in 2010, Rubio worked with New York Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer to write the 1,200-page amnesty and cheap-labor bill in 2013.

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