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Wednesday, February 03, 2016

REPORTS: Rand Paul is pulling the plug on his presidential campaign

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) is ending his presidential campaign, CNN and Politico reported Wednesday.



  1. The question is:

    Who will he endorse?! Now that Ted Cruz has established himself as the experienced outsider politician - there's an alternative to the wig-man!

  2. Donald Trump says "his decision to skip the last GOP debate before the Iowa caucuses may have contributed to his second-place finish."

    Okay, then let's not do that again. Lesson learned.

  3. Such a shame, but you saw it coming with the media blacking him out essentially. He is 10 times more presidential than Trump/Cruz and Clinton/Sanders.

  4. 10:55-I agree,OTHER THAN the NSA issues that Rand opposes.I personally do not care if my communications are eavesdropped on because I neither do or say anything wrong.If everyone was as honest as myself that agency or others like it would not be necessary.As it stands there are a lot of dangerous people out there who need to be watched & monitored continuously.That was my one and only problem with Rand.9 and 1/2 times as presidential.

  5. Rand Paul has certainly matured in the last few years. When he first came in on his father's coattails, he sounded like an idiot.

    He has come a long way and will be one to watch in 4 to 8 years.

    Conservatives have to stop eating the Republican young or they will never get anyone to take top prize. Races are now coming down to the independents.

  6. 11:17....so what you are saying is that you're willing to give up some privacy and freedom as long as you can be kept "safe" and "secure"? Further, being SO good, honest, and generous, you don't mind giving away everyone else's privacy and freedom, too?!
    You are the bomb!! Millions of Americans can go to sleep tonight, resting ever so comfortably in the knowledge that you are safekeeping the rights and ideals of all those brave souls who were killed or mutilated defending those rights you hold so precious.
    I just find it hard to believe that you liked Rand.
    I guarantee he wouldn't like YOU.
    I'm hoping that you recognize the veiled reference in my initial question to you.
    But, I doubt it.
    Keep cheering.


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