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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Rapper Kendrick Lamar’s Politically Charged Performance Is What Everyone Is Going to Be Talking About Day After Grammys

President Barack Obama’s favorite rapper Kendrick Lamar delivered a very politically-charged performance during Monday night’s Grammy Awards ceremony.

Walking out as part of a chain gang with his back-up singers while his band members were locked inside jail cells all in front of a prison back-drop, Lamar performed his song “The Blacker the Berry,” an exhibition that event host LL Cool J said would be “very controversial.”

He was right.

The performance, which highlighted racism and police treatment, drew a strong response — some positive and some negative — on social media and in the Nokia Theatre. Lamar received a standing ovation from the live audience.

“I’m African-American, I’m African,” Lamar rapped in handcuffs and a prison jumpsuit. “I’m black as the moon, heritage of a small village/Pardon my residence/Came from the bottom of mankind/My hair is nappy, my d*** is big, my nose is round and wide/You hate me don’t you?”

The song goes on to say, “You hate my people, your plan is to terminate my culture/You’re f*****’ evil, I want you to recognize that I’m a proud monkey.”

“You sabotage my community, makin’ a killin’/You made me a killer, emancipation of a real n****’.”

In addition, the song references the death of Trayvon Martin.



  1. Go to any predominately white church, pull up a seat at the Elk's, Moose, VFW, etc and you will find out he's not far off.

  2. This song was on his album that came out last March. He preforms it live and everyone loses their mind like this is some new un heard of song.If it didn't affect you then why should it now? Controversial topics sell records just like they make news.Yes playing the victim all the time is getting annoying but as long as it turns into what everyone is talking about it will continue to happen.

  3. Anonymous said...
    Go to any predominately white church, pull up a seat at the Elk's, Moose, VFW, etc and you will find out he's not far off.

    February 16, 2016 at 8:05 AM

    WTF are you talking about? Please elaborate??

  4. These clowns should have been locked up for this performance inciting a riot. They should have been locked up for using that language they used.

    It was nothing but an attempt to make whitey feel guilty so we will continue to allow them to get away with murder.

    Whitey didn't "make you kill" anyone you lying P.O.B.S.!!

  5. Stuff it 8:05. The real problem is the progressive movement. Look at the stark different just during Obamas reign. We have lost 40 years of progress and it was not caused by the white church. Maybe caused by Rev. Wright's type church that a**wipe Obama attended.

  6. You reap what you sow. Another way of saying it is if you sow to the wind you will reap the whirlwind. All this black hate of whitey and self hatred is going to come back and bite them in the butt especially should the political landscape change which I think it is going to soon.

  7. People obviously buy this stuff.

  8. I knew I was not the TARGET AUDIENCE so I just changed the channel during that part. :)

  9. I don't think 8:05 has ever been to ANY of those places, especially the "predominately white church".
    Further, don't confuse hard work, integrity, sacrifice, and success with "racism".
    Another person who thinks that, when a thug pulls the trigger on a 12 year old kid, its not HIS fault - it's "whitey".
    With freedom comes PERSONAL responsibility. Until that basic fact becomes part of their lives, they will always be in handcuffs, literally and figuratively. It's a bit funny to me that he enjoys a better life than billions of other people, but is somehow "held down" and "oppressed". I wonder if he wrote those lyrics in the limo or in the Jacuzzi.....poor thing that he is....
    Mandela, if he could, would walk on the stage and bitch-slap him while asking "Do you want me to describe some REAL "oppression" so you know what it REALLY is?"
    Keep cheering.

  10. It was expected so I didn't watch any of it at all
    We don't watch trash in our house


  11. Why don't some people just face the truth. My being a white person is not the reason you continue to sell drugs, murder, rape, rob, burn and pillage. It all starts at home, so if you want to blame anyone, start with your parents, that's if either one of them is not in jail. Next, try getting a job and stop expecting everything to be given to you because I'm holding you down. Work like I've done all my life, sometimes two full time jobs to make ends meet. If you spent as much time trying to get a job as you do waiting by the mailbox for your "check" to come, and blaming everyone else but yourself for your situation, maybe just maybe you'd see the light. But then again I doubt it !!

  12. Rather than wishing whites would drop to his level perhaps he should try to raise himself up. yes, I know it might take some effort and work, but it will pay dividends.

  13. Well stated 10:10 AM, so true.

  14. Anyone can bloom where they're planted IF they CHOOSE to do so. We are the products of our own choices, not the victims of generations past.

  15. can't understand why anyone would like those lyrics & call them a song!


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