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Friday, February 19, 2016

Rap Group ‘Blackalicious’ Releases Police Brutality Propaganda Video

An obscure Sacramento, California, based hip-hip group named Blackalicious released a new music video showing footage of the police shooting of Walter Scott, New York City cops choking Eric Garner, and the Michael Brown crime scene in the few seconds of the three minute clip.

The relatively unknown group hadn’t released an album since 2005. The song, “On Fire Tonight,” on which the video is based is from the group’s 2015 album, Imani Vol. 1.

Conveniently, Blackalicious tweeted the album and included the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter and #Formation, a hat tip to Beyoncé.



  1. This might be funny for them, but look at Miss. Beyonce now! She can't even get the Tampa police to add security - even with the promise of extra pay. When will these people learn that the way they're going about this only leaves them in danger? I guess time will tell.

  2. Dear 10:11 ,
    I feel the same as you along with the majority. But we must remember that this is a culture thing. Obama and Sharpton have instigated a rebellion against white people. This is only the beginning of a civil conflict that will explode with the fury of civil war.
    Their culture has been inflicting propaganda and war in Africa for thousands of years and is still going on. Why do you think none want go back to their so called "homeland "?
    In an effort to be recognized they beat , kill , lie to get attention. Of course we won't stop it because we think it will cause a revolution. The dummies at the top don't realize that enough is enough. I've said it before , a quote from Hitler " if you treat a man like a dog , in time he will act like one ", it's time to bite back.

  3. The album and promotion aren't about social commentary, they're about making money.

  4. Bet Obama does a presser to denounce such a piece of work.

  5. Ever notice how infantile and simplistic rap lyrics are?

  6. Pretty much about bitches ho's and bragging about killing people. Yea this is definitely a model to mold our youth around but in today's world everything is about money. It's refreshing to see when they get the money and still can't find happiness and peace. How many cars or houses or hold chains can you buy


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