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Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Radioactive Leak Found at NY Nuclear Plant

BUCHANAN, N.Y. -- Gov. Andrew Cuomo is calling for an investigation after an apparent overflow at the Indian Point nuclear power plant spilled highly radioactive water into an underground monitoring well, but nuclear regulators said the public isn't at risk.

Officials at Indian Point in Buchanan reported on Friday that water contaminated by tritium leaked into the groundwater under the facility.

The contamination has remained contained to the site, said Cuomo, who ordered the state's environmental conservation and health departments to investigate.



  1. How do you get in on these 'investigations'? I mean there must be several hundred thousand of them going on atm. I'm out of work and would like to hire on with one of them.

  2. High female breast cancer rate in Long Island.

  3. If I were them, that's what I'd be saying, too.

    And your "leaders" have such a sterling track record of telling their slaves the truth. Just ask the people in Michigan, who were told, over and over, that their water was "safe" (and they better pay the water bill, too).
    How would you like your water, sir? With lead, or with radiation? we also have, for our special customers, extra additives like arsenic, chlorine, and various pharmaceuticals (our pick).
    Here's the worst part -- you PAY these slimy slugs, these lying, thieving, and yes, murdering masters to do this to you!!
    Now, go tell your kids that there is nothing you can do for their high level (and IQ reducing) of lead concentrations, and when the doctor tells you your wife has 10 months to live (cancer), just
    Keep cheering.


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