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Saturday, February 06, 2016

Police kill transgender man who gained viral fame last year with service dog

Arizona police shot and killed a transgender man who gained viral fame last year after uploading a video showing his service dog calming him during a meltdown.

The 24-year-old, who had Asperger’s syndrome, was legally known as Danielle Jacobs, but identified as Kayden Clarke and hoped to transition from female to male, friends told the Arizona Republic. Police were at his home Thursday morning after being alerted to a suicidal email he had sent out,according to the Associated Press.

A pair of officers tried to talk to Clarke through an open doorway as a third officer retrieved a “less-than-lethal option,” a Mesa police spokesman said Friday, according to video uploaded by the Republic. Clarke came to the door with a large kitchen knife in hand, said the spokesman, who referred to Clarke as a woman.



  1. The title is all wrong...should read:

    "Confused man commits suicide"

    If the cops get called by someone and the subject of the call comes at them with a knife...it is called "suicide by cop". How the cops keep putting on that uniform everyday is amazing to me. The folks who could not handle life use to be in more institutional settings. Not the best world, but certainly safer for them and others.

  2. There is a MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS in this country!!!

    There is a mental health crisis in this world...ISIS

  3. Someone trying or wanting to change gender. Yeah that is crazy!!

  4. You see more and more in this Country the worst thing you can do is Call The COPS.


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