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Thursday, February 18, 2016

Police-involved shooting reported in Middle River

County police spokesman Cpl. John Wachter said the officer involved tried to make a traffic stop for suspicion of narcotics activity at about 2 a.m. Thursday along Old Eastern and Harrison avenues. The passenger in the vehicle got out of the car and made a sudden movement toward his waistband, police said.

Police said the officer fired at least once because he feared for his life. The passenger was taken to the hospital, but there are no updates on his condition.

"The officer had no choice but to fire his weapon," Wachter said.



  1. Mighty convenient: cop says "I feared for my life, he made a sudden move" and case closed

  2. The perp was probably reaching for his voter card.

  3. Another Darwin award winner...Try to kill a cop and you get what you deserve.

  4. 1:12....they DID NOT find any weapons.
    Sort of makes your comment look a little stupid, huh?

  5. "Feared for his life" they must teach that line in the academy. Another one I see a lot in cop videos is "stop reaching for my gun" when the dude has his hands up, but they get away with it so why not.


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