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Thursday, February 25, 2016

Plea deal means mom avoids jail in son's swing death

LA PLATA, Md. (AP) — A woman found pushing her dead son in a playground swing last year will avoid time in prison or a mental institution under a plea deal accepted Monday. As part of the deal, a Charles County judge found Romechia Simms not criminally responsible, media outlets reported.


  1. OMG, really???? what in the world are we to expect with her next child????

    I guess the MSM needs more fodder in the future...

  2. Just WOW. Another Casey Anthony...

  3. A condition this plea deal should have been that she have a hysterectomy or some other procedure in which will not allow her to have any additional children - she is clearly mentally ill and should not be allowed to pro-create as she has done this once and killed a child so to me that forfeits her rights to have others.

  4. This justice system is so broken it is pathetic. For the public defender to say "testament to the progress of science and society" hey public defender, why don't you let her babysit your young children???? She should at the very least be sterilized and never be allowed near children ever again!


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