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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

‘People Are Really Angry Today’: Bernie Sanders, Supporters Go Off on Student Loan Debt, Big Banks and Republicans at South Carolina Rally

GREENVILLE, S.C. — As a Bernie Sanders’ staffer stood sentry at one of the entrances to the Bon Secours Wellness Arena turning those away who lacked the appropriate ticket to enter that door, she remarked, “People are really angry today.”

The staffer’s comment was uttered out of frustration, not to make a political point — yet it was unequivocally demonstrative of the self-proclaimed socialist’s presidential bid. And speaking to a sizable crowd in Greenville Sunday afternoon, Sanders, the junior senator of Vermont, continued to drive that message.

“We are gaining momentum because the American people are tired of the same old, same old establishment politics and establishment economics,” Sanders, wearing a new sports coat, told listeners.



  1. I am angry Tia Johnson is getting out of prison after only doing a third of her prison sentence for driving around with Christine sheddys body in her trunk.

  2. It is so unfortunate that the angry voters are also the most uninformed. They don't understand that this form of socialism is not much different from slavery.

    Yes, we're all sick and tired of the same old establishment politics - but some of us actually want to take steps in a forward, growing, and positive direction!

    That actually means electing a non-establishment conservative...yes, they do exist; yes, there are some of them running this election cycle.

    Please vote - but please do some non-emotional (that means logical and informed on the issues) research before you pull the handle to vote. If all you can come up with is the me-me-me, I'm entitled, gimme free stuff after your research - then you'll be voting for the slavery of the 21st century!

  3. Forget about who is going to pay for this "free" stuff, who is going to get "free" stuff and the inevitable increase in taxes to pay for said "free" stuff. Let's just look at what "Free" does to value, personal responsibility and motivation. The simplest way to look at it is with owning a car. Say you own a car that you had to work hard to earn the money to purchase or are working hard in order to pay the monthly payments then you are likely to keep it clean, well maintained, well insured and drive it responsibly in order to protect YOUR investment. Say you are given a car 100% free and know that if something happens to it that it will be replaced for free. You are far less likely to keep it clean, perform routine maintenance, drive responsibly and likely won't even carry insurance (after all it is replaced for free, right?). Now say that you get free gas for that car. With free gas, you don't consider the cost associated with buying gas so you use it frivolously and you drive unlimited miles without regard to cost because it has no value to you. You don't think about having to plan your travel for the next couple weeks so that you have enough fuel to get you to your next paycheck.

    Now let's take that mentality to education. If you pay for your education (upfront or with student loans) you are more likely to attend classes regularly, study more often and reduce social activities in order to perform better in school because your education has a monetary value. If you fail a class then YOU have to pay to take it again. Remove that monetary value with "free" education and students will be attending school and putting forth effort solely on personal merit. Priorities are then redirected towards something that the student perceives as more important in the moment such as entertainment, rest, work, personal belongings, etc. Failure becomes more of an option because YOU don't have to pay to retake the classes you failed. Now some can do that with no problem, but most cannot. Not to mention that when something is given away for free it instantly devalues that product on the over all market. College degrees have already lost much of their job value and prestige over the past decaded, adding free tuition to the mix would devastate the value of a college degree.

    There are many different types of "value" that something can have, but typically monetary value is what drives the vast majority of people. If You were given the choice of a cash reward or a pat on the back for a job well done, which would you prefer? How likely are your to protect something you paid for versus the exact same thing that you got for free? How likely are you to bargain shop with your own money as opposed to using somebody else's money?

    It is simply human nature. We value investment but we are also attracted to free. However, is free good for you? Is all of the "free" stuff good for society as a whole? Nothing in life is free; particularly when the government is handing it out. Somebody somewhere is paying for what you got for free. These millennials and all of those needlessly living dependent on government benefits/assistance who truly believe that they are owed something that somebody else earned need to have a reality check. Life isn't always easy and you get out what you put in. It's time you start putting in. If Sanders in elected, he WILL shipwreck a once hard working America. Don't be blinded by the word "free"

  4. To those who don't want to pay back their student loan I have one question. What if you loaned someone money and they decided they didn't want to pay you back?

  5. 10:44 they have no money to loan out. Hence the welfare. 10:44 what if you had a brain? Would you use it? I do not know how you keep getting elected to the council

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I am angry Tia Johnson is getting out of prison after only doing a third of her prison sentence for driving around with Christine sheddys body in her trunk.

    February 24, 2016 at 8:05 AM

    I am angry at people like you that abuse your right to free speech. I would fight for you to be able to keep it but really wish you could use it responsibly and in an adult manner.


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