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Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Notice to Harney Co. Sheriff


  1. Lets get it started in Oregon Then... If you don't stand now, there is no reason to stand later, this last year is all we have before it is to late to take back our country...

    You can't fight MRAPS and drones so if you keep giving them time to prepare, there is no need to fight you are already their slave...

  2. Ok so Cliven Bundy is from Nevada. A group presumably led by his son, also from Nevada, have taken over a federally owned building in OREGON! The Bundy group can't claim that they represent the locals in Oregon since they never asked for the groups support - notwithstanding the fact that occupying federal buildings is illegal. Remember the Civil War? The south occupied U.S. Military bases. They were asked to leave and they didn't. The incident was handled as an act of sedition and the rest is history. Regardless of whether you side with the sentiment of the north or the south as it relates to the motivations of either side during the Civil War, the questions that need answers are these:

    What are the goals/demands of the Bundys? Are there any? Or is this intended to be spark to ignite what seem to believe to be another inevitable Civil War?

    Is this an act of sedition?

    Is this incident prompting more militia groups to travel to the area for support?

    I mean really? Four people? More than 100 feds and countless resources have been brought to bear on this incident. MRAP's. Drones. Complicated surveillance equipment. All for four people? My sources say this is bigger than what those outside this incident know. That there is much more than meets the eye. We will likely never know everything.

    Also to be considered is the fact that this situation is easily remedied as it relates to getting the occupiers to surrender. Turn off the water and electricity and eventually they will surrender or otherwise emerge from the building. Remember, 95% or all barricade situations are resolved without a shot being fired. There is no need for hot headed feds to provoke a violent response.

    IMHO, the Bundy group kicked off an ill prepared action with completely inadequate resources. History will likely view these individuals as domestic terrorists or martyrs depending on how you view the issue. Either way I personally don't believe this will end well for either side.

  3. Its already too late 9:25. Any rebellion would be quickly put down unless those who rebel utilize guerilla tactics and are willing to kill, torture and maim fellow countrymen. Much like the Afghani's. Russia couldn't put them down and we have been there....how long? The type of strategies needed to fight the level of technology possessed by a modern military would be hit and run until enough resources were acquired by a rebel force to level any playing field. There would be spies infiltrating groups which would quickly unravel loosely knit organization/cooperaton between rebel forces. History would judge your rebel groups as terrorists due to government propaganda machines and you would lose most any support you ever had from the public. Your movement would lose steam, and you will live out the rest of your lives in hiding or in prison. The only hope you would have would be a well organized effort to disrupt supply routes while simultaneously firing up your on propaganda machine depicting you as a freedom fighting force upholding the Constitution by pledging your lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. Constantly reminding those in the military and law enforcement of the oath they took to defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Can you pull this off? What are you willing to pledge? The stakes are high.

  4. The feds started shooting at Ryan when he put his hands and head out of the window at the initial stop. They missed and hit the metal between the mirror and door. They never gave any orders they just started shooting and basically didn't stop. They wanted these people dead. They was no medical team at either location. Why is that? Why kill someone with their hands in the air and then give him the finger when he is lying in the snow?

    Why release drone footage so soon when any other time we have to wait months and years for footage in other cases? And then only then by a lawsuit. I believe it was an attempt by the gov't and F.B.I. to spin it and justify their illegal actions and the murder and attempted murder of those people there.

    And the Oregon governor has blood on her hands as well for insisting the F.B.I. and gov't take some action to end the siege.

    You can love your country but don't trust your gov't.

  5. LOL lock these petty criminals up. They are not patriots. Hang them for treason.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    LOL lock these petty criminals up. They are not patriots. Hang them for treason.

    February 3, 2016 at 11:32 AM

    you can lock me up and try to hang me for treason too. well, what are you waiting for?


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