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Friday, February 12, 2016

New Chipotle Food Safety Procedures Include Shutting Down Restaurant If Anyone Barfs

Yesterday, Chipotle restaurants didn’t open until 3 PM so 50,000 or so restaurant employees could sit in hotel conference rooms or movie theaters to watch a live-streamed company-wide meeting about food safety. The future of the chain is at stake, and their task is to prove to the public that they’re not trying to make us all sick.

Chipotle’s food safety worries started to attract national attention when the same strain of E. coli showed up in customers in disparate states with no connection between incidents and investigators unable to figure out which food item actually caused the outbreak.

After the multi-state E. coli outbreak, a different foodborne illness, norovirus, broke out in Boston at a location popular with Boston University students. That caused news outlets to look back at an earlier norovirus outbreak in California, as well as a Salmonella outbreak in Minnesota, and customers to conclude that they shouldn’t go to Chipotle.



  1. I told you they are trying to poison and kill us all with our water supply and food supply, even after people are getting sick and sicker and even dying, people still refuse to put two and two together...

    You breathe air, drink and eat, out of those 3 avenues, one, two or all are the cause of people being sick, now what do you breathe and where do you breathe it, you drink, what do you drink and from where, and you eat what from where...

    Your immune systems are weak from the poison being spread in the air and the acid based fluoride in our water system, to improve teeth, when scientific evidence proves that type of fluoride hurts your immune system... Now why would they want to do that all in the name of having good teeth?????

    But I guess I am a conspiracy theorists to you STUPID PEOPLE who know everything from what your told on tv right??? who doesn't research anything but know it all right???

  2. Hey 252. You need to get an early bedtime, take an aspirin, and call the doctor in the morning. You are seriously paranoid.

  3. I feel just fine, and have for 61 years! 252 needs a bed at a mental facility.


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