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Sunday, February 21, 2016

MSP Easton -State Police-Press Release

Case Information 
Date and Time: February 20, 2016 @ 2043 
Case Number: 16-MSP-006981 
Location: 200 Delaware Ave, Hurlock, Dorchester County, Maryland 21643 

Type of Collision: Pedestrian collision 

Vehicle #1: Maryland State Police Cruiser Operator #1: Tfc Brooks, Maryland State Police, Easton Barrack Vehicle #2: Operator #2: Pedestrian – Joseph Michael Frambes, 30 yrs of Brooklyn, Maryland Veh #2 passenger Veh #2 passenger Brief Synopsis

On February 20, 2016, a collision occurred involving a Maryland State Police cruiser when a pedestrian dressed in all black ran into the roadway. The pedestrian was struck by the cruiser causing minor damage to the vehicle. The pedestrian, identified as Joseph Michael Frambes, 30 yrs of Brooklyn, Maryland, suffered a broken leg. Frambes was intoxicated and was combative with EMT’s. Frambes was flown to Shock Trauma due to his injuries. Charges None at this time, investigation continues Investigating Trooper: Cpl Emerick Commander: Lieutenant R. Connolly Assistant Commander: First Sergeant S. Gappert Criminal Investigation Supervisor: Detective Sergeant M. Parke


  1. Them clowns(EMT's) will call for a Helicopter all the time. What a freaking joke!

  2. Not the cops fault no matter what.

  3. ^you are a clueless joke.

  4. Anonymous said...
    ^you are a clueless joke.

    February 21, 2016 at 3:30 PM

    Who u talkin bout?

  5. In the long history of police cars has an officer ever been convicted of hitting a pedestrian?

  6. 5:11 in a word.......yes


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