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Sunday, February 14, 2016

Maryland State Troopers On the Defense This Super Bowl Weekend

(PIKESVILLE, MD)— As some Super Bowl fans were on the offense, many troopers across the state and the S.P.I.D.R.E DUI team were on the defense this past weekend making more than 50 DUI arrests.

The Maryland State Police conducted traffic enforcement initiatives throughout the state during this Super Bowl weekend. Troopers made numerous traffic stops focused on impaired or distracted drivers, aggressive and speeding motorists, as well as those who were not properly belted in the vehicle.

During the three day enforcement initiative more than 4,700 vehicles were stopped by troopers across the state. Preliminary statistics revealed more than 2,900 traffic citations were issued along with more than 2,900 warnings. In addition, 51 motorists were arrested for drunk driving.

The S.P.I.D.R.E DUI team was deployed to Baltimore County for Operation 40/40, a multi-jurisdictional traffic enforcement initiative. Collaborating with 11 law enforcement agencies, efforts were focused on Route 40 from the Baltimore City line to the Delaware state line. As a result of the collaborated effort, 30 motorists were arrested for drunk driving.

Just before 11:00 p.m. on February 6th, troopers from the Maryland State Police Princess Anne Barrack were dispatched to a single vehicle crash near the intersection of Hudson Corner Road and Landon Store Road, in Marion, Md. Troopers found a pickup that reportedly drove off the road into a field.

The driver of the vehicle was found to be an off-duty state trooper, identified as Trooper First Class John Dize, Jr., assigned to the Princess Anne Barrack. Trooper First Class Dize sustained injuries and was transported to the Peninsula Regional Medical Center. Due to the possibility of alcohol being a contributing circumstance to the cause of the crash, an immediate investigation was conducted.

Trooper First Class Dize was subsequently charged with failing to obey designated lane directions and driving under the influence. Trooper First Class Dize was immediately suspended with pay.

In an ongoing effort to educate motorists, additional traffic initiatives will continue throughout the year to reduce injuries and fatalities on Maryland roads. Maryland State Police will continue these initiatives in support of the Maryland Highway Safety Office’s ‘Move Toward Zero Deaths’ campaign.


  1. Great job, Thank You!

  2. The law. It's for everybody.

  3. He drank away 70k a year, 22 year pension and a take home car. The medical file will burn him.

  4. He will get a slap on the wrist, a pat on the back, and be asked how the vacation went. Don't be so naive, 640!

  5. 653 really? You think?

  6. This is terribly unfortunate for all concerned but I applaud the officers for doing their duty. No one should be above the law.

  7. Cops locking up cops,nice.

  8. Great job MSP, glad to see irresponsible actions being handled appropriately, not swept under the rug as many other agencies do.

  9. I heard he was dabbing when he got out of his truck?

  10. It was a personal injury 8:44, they had no choice.

  11. Suspended with pay, why? Suspended without pay would seem appropriate to me.

  12. It will be just like when Mike Phillips got off. The judge actually criticized the young officer that stopped him. Appalling on so many levels.

  13. 1048 total bs. Nothing written saying you have to make arrest. That is police water cooler talk. Simply untrue.

  14. if my boss told me I was suspended with pay I would jump for joy

  15. 834 where do you work. I want to compare your job to that of police.

  16. Dabbing, I have to admit I had never heard of it before. If that is true it is even more serious than alcohol.

  17. 9:25.....get off it.

    Because he has a tough job, he should get PAID for being arrested for crimes he gladly and enthusiastically JAILED other people for?

    THAT is your position?
    Remember, "cop" is not even in the top 5 most dangerous jobs --- you think a coal miner or a 7-11 clerk get paid time off for being arrested for drunk driving? How about an airline pilot??
    Quit thinking that a VOLUNTEER, by putting on a badge, is now somehow above the law and special.
    Unless, of course, you understand that there ARE two sets of laws in this country.
    One for the Masters, and one for the serfs.
    Keep cheering.

  18. Suspended with pay because it is a misdemeanor that he has not been convicted of. Administratively the criminal case must be handled before the administrative case. During the internal investigation he can be compelled to make a statement. Failure to comply is a offense a trooper can be fired over.

  19. He will fit in at Crisfield PD


  20. Amen to that 9:18. Most of the Crisfield PD spend more time boozing at the Amer Legion then they do working.

  21. 102 seriously? You using data provided by the same source you pretend to hate!! Your " keep cheering" such an obvious plagiarized quote. Your convenient outrage sickens me! Another social justice warrior! Please find one topic take a stand and stick to it!! Thank you. Using Internet short hand. School teacher.

  22. 10:48 PM

    why can't you ever say anything worth hearing? you say the same old crap and attack others without denying the facts they present. I think it is you that is full of hate


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