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Sunday, February 14, 2016

Maryland lawmakers consider new gun safety bills

ANNAPOLIS, Md. —State House Democratic leaders on Wednesday introduced new gun safety legislation.

Democrats consider the gun control package of bills part of their legislative priorities.

One bill creates a gun-free zone on college campuses. Another measure would require courts to order people convicted of domestic-related crimes to surrender all firearms. A third bill would ban those on the U.S. terrorist watch list from purchasing guns.

"(It's) dealing with what I believe is common-sense legislation that's going to protect Maryland families and children," said House Speaker Michael Busch, D-Anne Arundel County.

"Guns don't belong in elementary school zones. They don't belong in a high school zone. We want our colleges and universities to be gun-free zones as well," Senate President Mike Miller said.



  1. Geezus how can these two clowns Busch and Miller represent anybody with a brain.

    they make me want to vomit.

    can we un-elect them?

  2. I wonder who will get the contract to print up all those "Gun-Free Zone" stickers :(

  3. gun free zones are targets. when will people learn

  4. These libtards are unbelievable!

    Everyone can see the successes enjoyed by areas with open and concealed carry permissions for the citizenry...and the failures of permissions denied....

    November cometh, vote!

  5. Mike Miller is a moron
    Take the guns from the criminals
    They are going to have them when and where they want them
    no matter what mikey says

  6. All school campuses are on their way to becoming "Free Fire Zones" thanks to the idiots on the left.

  7. Miller and Busch? Wonder if they drank the product? But seriously, Gun Free Zones should be renamed Sitting Duck Zones!

  8. And we all know that criminals just LOVE to obey signs.

  9. Democrats in are probably the dumbest people in the world.

  10. 12:37 PM

    YES, YOU CAN RECALL THEM which is sort of like unelected them.

  11. Ban all private security and special police protection from carrying arms; then the elite can be attacked just like us. Equal playing field then, fair is fair.

  12. 2:29, there is no recall in maryland

  13. They pander to limousine liberals who all have guns but don't want us peons to have any.

  14. Guess I was told false info on CCW permits. I was told Courts, Bars and schools were not allowed to carry in MD

  15. I guess our MD democrat legislators will not be satisfied until we have our own Virginia Tech moment. Talk about making our college students vulnerable to a mass shooting attack by a crazy who KNOWS that everyone else (law abiding citizens) are unarmed. Those gun control nuts are our worst enemies of our safety. Gun free my arse. Gun free for the ones being SHOT. The criminals and crazies just LOVE gun free zones. They have all the power then.

  16. These representatives, and I use that term in jest, are being payed by someone to support this. No one is as stupid as this portrays them.
    When was the last time you heard one of them say they support something or voted a certain way because their constituents wanted them to.., they support and vote for the money folks. And, you are the farthest thing from their greed soaked minds.


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