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Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Maryland Democrats Push For Affordable College, Retirement

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — Maryland Democrats on Monday outlined plans for legislation to help people save for college and retirement.

They are backing a measure to create a matching program to encourage thousands of families to begin saving early for college. The state would provide a $250 match for money put in a college savings plan. The amount people would have to save each year to get the $250 match would vary based on income.

“Those people who earn more money will have to put in more to get the $250,” said Sen. Edward Kasemeyer, D-Baltimore County. “Those people who earn under $100,000 would only have to put in $25 to get a $250 match.”

The measure also would create a tax credit program to help middle class workers with student debt exceeding $20,000. It would provide a tax credit of up to $5,000 for about 1,000 people.



  1. Here we go again! There isn't any welfare or goverment program that the democrats don't like. They want the american people to enroll in government handouts. This is not free money that all these programs are funded with. Taxpayers support the very programs they hold their handout to receive. We have the dumbest citizen voters in the world.

  2. it's kinda like social security

  3. Don't address the fact that higher education is a money scam, just make it easier for more money to be thrown into it. Sheesh!

  4. There are sooo many people that should NOT go to college!
    They don't have the capacity to understand higher concepts - let alone get a job using the new-found education...and there aren't enough open government jobs available!

  5. Just lower the cost charged by the University / colleges. Don't make the tax payer pay for others desires which they can't afford or want for free. Where is this money for the match coming from? Higher taxes on the middle class.

  6. We have affordable colleges, they're called community college. Some people are not meant for a higher education. If they have their ways, college classrooms will be diversified with the dregs of society who only want to be there to qualify for other assistance.

  7. The term "public university" is an oxymoron.

  8. This is for college and/or retirement. Maybe people should pay attention and then we could have less whining about living on a fixed income.


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