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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Maryland Democrats have plan to restrict Hogan on transportation decisions

The Democratic leaders of the General Assembly unveiled a plan Tuesday that would restrict the power of the governor to make unilateral transportation funding decisions.

Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller and House Speaker Michael E. Busch threw their combined support behind legislation that would create a new process for evaluating which transportation projects deserve funding priority. While the legislative package would affect all chief executives, the move is an explicit reaction to Gov. Larry Hogan's massive shift of mass transit money to highway construction last summer.

The legislative leaders billed their legislation as a measure that would "create a new process to objectively screen and score transportation projects based on their anticipated benefits." But the measure would also require the governor to justify decisions that fall outside of that scoring system — such as the cancellation of an urban transit project to build a highway in a lightly-populated part of the state.



  1. Sounds like they are creating red tape as liberals do. I am with Hogan

  2. As our roads and highways crumble the democraps bickering will continue

  3. Why because Larry is wHite?

  4. Once again the jackass liberal democrats try to under mind our Governor! He tries to save the taxpayer money and they spend and waste! Maryland will never have be successful until you vote those liberal idiots out!

  5. Whoa!! Time out!!
    O'Malley took virtually 100% of Federal Highway User Funds for at least a couple of years to build mass transit in PG and Baltimore Counties, leaving other counties without the regular funding they needed for road and street repair.
    And there wasn't a single peep from the state's Democrats for all of those years.

  6. Concerned RetirementFebruary 16, 2016 at 5:26 PM

    They want all the money to go for the Central and South regions for BS roads. This is a lot of politics that does not benefit the whole State. Put in toll booths at Kent Isle so the Eastern Shore will have money for roads and other needed projects we never get. This is another reason for term limits with no benefits or big retirements for Poltians

  7. Micheal Busch is the biggest cry baby in the state. He is such a pompous ass.

  8. Time to pack up and move


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