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Thursday, February 04, 2016

Martin Shkreli pleads the Fifth, then tweets about 'imbeciles' in Congress

WASHINGTON—Embattled drug entrepreneur Martin Shkreli — who vigorously defended his decision to hike the price of a life-saving drug from $13.50 to $750 — suddenly went silent Thursday at a Congressional committee, smirking and grinning instead of answering questions.

Now facing an unrelated federal criminal indictment, the typically loquacious Shkreli refused to testify, repeatedly citing his Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate himself.

Members of Congress launched into fiery lectures directed at Shkreli, whose previous company, Turing Pharmaceuticals, came under scrutiny when it raised the price of Daraprim more than 5,000%. The pill is used to treat toxoplasmosis, a parasitic disease that afflicts people with weakened immune systems, such as those with AIDS and pregnant women.



  1. While I agree that most of them ARE imbeciles, this guy is a total JERK!

  2. He should run for 2016 with Hillary....

  3. Give me 30 minutes with him and I can wipe that smirk off his face. I would also convince him to give the drug away for free.

  4. This man appears to be evil incarnate

  5. The smug ignorant Pompus ignoramus. Someone needs to wipe that smirk Off his face. This jerk is the epitome of this generation narcissism to the umpteenth degree. ChargE him with contempt of Congress. he flashes his contempt for all to see. are you blind?

  6. I hope by the time they are done with this jerk someone gets to wipe the smirk off his face. Lock him up and let Bubba take care of him. I bet he won't be smiling then.

  7. Given the chance I'd knock that smirk off of his face !!

  8. Going to love watching this guy go down. It's going to be beautiful justice for all the patients he gypped and cheated.

  9. One of the primary sources of toxoplasmosis is cat poop.

  10. 453 what would you do?

  11. I do agree that this guy seems like a real piece of work but at the same time I have to agree with one thing that I heard him say. He is no different than a lot of the drug companies. I take seizure and migraine medicine and within the past three years the prices on migraine has risen astronomically and for no apparent reason. They haven't changed anything about the medicine except its' price. I think that is a huge part of the problem with our medical system. That these guys just run unchecked over us and charge whatever they want to and if we are sick enough we will pay it.

  12. 643, it's called Obamacare's 10,000 added administrators that need their paychecks.

    Please help fight for repeal and vote properly this time around.


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