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Sunday, February 07, 2016

LaVoy Finicum takedown - shot by shot

WARNING: This video is graphic


  1. 3 questions expect to get killed when trying to fly past a police check point with a cop infront of you,
    Why was a cop hiding off camera to the left was this a set up?

  2. Why was a cop hiding off camera to the left was this a set up?

    February 3, 2016 at 1:51 PM

    If you have to ask you haven't been paying attention.

  3. There is another video on YouTube that shows him stopping a 1/2 mile.on the road then speeding up and driving in the middle of the road the helicopter must have sent word what he wE doing that's why they where ready for him.

  4. His right hand is reaching over to his left side. He got shot, as he should have. Don't play stupid games.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    There is another video on YouTube that shows him stopping a 1/2 mile.on the road then speeding up and driving in the middle of the road the helicopter must have sent word what he wE doing that's why they where ready for him.

    February 3, 2016 at 2:29 PM

    It's amazing how so many are uninformed this long after this has happened and how much more information has been published. They DID stop before the roadblock. That is where Ryan stuck his hands and head out the window to try to talk to them and he was shot at. LaVoy shouted out his own window several times telling them they were on the way to see the sheriff. Ryan jumped out of the truck telling them there was women in the truck. The women didn't want to get out and LaVoy took off and Ryan was arrested. (which Ryan I keep forgetting)

    The rest has been explained as well, even by both of the women in the truck. Imagine that.

  6. 2:12
    Rather than being snarky why don't you answer the question. No need to be rude.

  7. 2:38
    Can I sucker punch you in the face and you not blink? If you get shot you are going to grab that area. That is what he was doing. Go back to writing tickets.

  8. Yes so many are uninformed....oh what was his name again I forgot?

  9. He knew what he was getting into and welcomed it. Suicide by cop is what I see. Don't try to martyr this idiot.

  10. The positions of the police look a whole lot like an ambush to me.
    I've NEVER seen a roadblock where the police set up firing positions from the high ground and from such a distance.
    2:44 had it right. He wasn't "reaching for a weapon" --- he was grabbing at his left side because that's where they shot him (while he had his hands up).
    Shot in the back, too, and shot when he was laying on the ground.
    Further, a cop steps in front of the moving vehicle and shoots at the driver (!) (was the driver shooting at him ,or did the cop, knowing it was an ambush, just go ahead an jump out firing???).
    Now, if you jump in front of my moving car and get hit, it is probably because you stupidly jumped in front of a moving 3500lb object.
    In doing so, you don't get to claim someone "tried to run me over" and, being afraid -- all the time --- you HAD to shoot.
    I would respect a statement like "he had threatened to shoot the police, was considered dangerous, and we did what we had to do".
    I CANNOT respect "it was a traffic stop and don't pay any attention to what your lying eyes might think you saw."
    "We, the people" are getting tired of the "police story" that contradicts FILM evidence. They were waiting for him, it was an ambush, and they did exactly what they intended to do.
    I wouldn't want to be a game warden or a cop driving on a lonely road out in that part of the country now. The people in the rural West aren't that friendly with the government as it is and this didn't make them any new friends, either.
    The wheels continue to turn.
    Keep cheering.

    1. The helicopter was following him and radioed ahead.

  11. You are watching a highly edited and scripted version of what went down. The unedited version of the ENTIRE event released by the FBI, without any added suggestions of what was happening, is much clearer as to what was happening than this hypothetical edited version by the perps. This version is a fairy tale.

  12. Exactly 3:06! I should sit down and add some more pewpewpew's in there for more effect. Maybe have a dragon swoop in... the possibilities are endless! But, the cop haters above don't want to hear that narrative... nope, just rogue cops taking out an innocent man. If LaVoy was black, or hispanic, we'd have 50 comments from the "CHEERleaders".

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Exactly 3:06! I should sit down and add some more pewpewpew's in there for more effect. Maybe have a dragon swoop in... the possibilities are endless! But, the cop haters above don't want to hear that narrative... nope, just rogue cops taking out an innocent man. If LaVoy was black, or hispanic, we'd have 50 comments from the "CHEERleaders".

    February 3, 2016 at 3:19 PM

    I think you have a reading comprehension problem, or you chose the wrong timestamp. 306 aka Imclain supports the narrative of unknown and the video.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The helicopter was following him and radioed ahead.

    February 3, 2016 at 3:26 PM

    It was a plane, not a helicopter. And they had a snitch in their midst by the name of mark. and possibly pete santilli

  15. Died a treasonists dead. good.

  16. From this video, it does appear to be the L as well as an ambush. Doesn't appear - it was an ambush. Set up and executed with precision. So much for any lessons learned at Ruby Ridge and Waco.

    1. So the cops used a tactical L, therefore it was an ambush. They also use cover and concealment, so it was a super dooper ambush right? Lol. Of course they are going to us tactics to stay safe. Nobody walks into a possible fire fight and says " this should be even so it's fair."

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Died a treasonists dead. good.

    February 3, 2016 at 3:31 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So the cops used a tactical L, therefore it was an ambush. They also use cover and concealment, so it was a super dooper ambush right? Lol. Of course they are going to us tactics to stay safe. Nobody walks into a possible fire fight and says " this should be even so it's fair."

    February 3, 2016 at 3:55 PM

    you have to be a cop based on your stupidity.

    1. You have to be a welfare queen who has too much time on her hands.

  18. Nobody walks into a possible fire fight and says " this should be even so it's fair."

    February 3, 2016 at 3:55 PM

    So when someone walks up to your unit and blasts away don't cry it wasn't fair.

    1. What Unit? Anyway, anybody who doesn't take a tactical advantage is an idiot. Cops so this all the time, but most criminals aren't stupid enough to try to draw a gun hoping to get shot.

  19. This guy was an idiot and acted foolishly which cost him his life. If he had done as the others and obeyed the LE serving the warrant he would be alive today. Those are the only facts that matter.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This guy was an idiot and acted foolishly which cost him his life. If he had done as the others and obeyed the LE serving the warrant he would be alive today. Those are the only facts that matter.

    February 3, 2016 at 4:50 PM

    both vehicles stopped initially. when leo's started shooting without provocation he took off again.

    lavoy showed more restraint than I would have. I would have fired back IF I was armed that is.

  21. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You have to be a welfare queen who has too much time on her hands.

    February 3, 2016 at 4:44 PM

    I am neither on welfare nor a queen. But I do dig for the truth. If you only get your information and opinion from this blog I can understand why you, and others, are so confused at times.

    1. Actually I did my own research on this and seen the full video on YouTube,unlike you a armchair debater who doesn't do there homework and jumps to conclusions which is a typical Obama cop hating thug until You need a police officer,hypocrite.

  22. Those are the only facts that matter.

    February 3, 2016 at 4:50 PM

    Nothing is ever as black and white as that. But I doubt you have much experience with facts.

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Actually I did my own research on this and seen the full video on YouTube,unlike you a armchair debater who doesn't do there homework and jumps to conclusions which is a typical Obama cop hating thug until You need a police officer,hypocrite.

    February 3, 2016 at 6:33 PM

    well if all that is true and you listened to all the interviews from people inside the truck, you are either very stupid or you have an agenda. Which is it?

    1. The criminals in the car have every reason to lie. They were just on their way to volunteer at the soup kitchen when the mean men shot their buddy for no reason.

  24. They also set up the road block on a slight curve with snow piled high on each side. Chances are he didn't see the road block until it was too late.

  25. 6:33 PM

    this is the from the full video. it is just showing the murder of lavoy you idiot. you see the same things on this video as you would the 'full' one on youtube, except for the markings to help people like you follow along, which obviously is not working. you will never be a lawyer or a judge, thank god, but you probably can still remain a dumb cop.

    you will probably even get promoted.

    1. Actually I just got promoted hope too see you one day..)

  26. gee, I wonder why lavoy was trying to turn and run if he wanted to do combat or suicide by cop. but I'm sure some dumb cop will dream up yet another explanation, apart from reality of course

  27. It's disturbingly depressing to know these ISIS clones actually feel they're helping our society. When in reality they are supporting the destruction of the nation their ancestors designed, built, defended and died for.

    1. ISIS clones really,you are one uneducated idiot.

  28. His hands were actually up. Dont Shoot. Where are the rioters? Oh, to busy balancing checkbooks and making sure the wife is happy.

    1. I guess you where to busy with the check book to see the idiot reach in his pocket and almost run over a police officer.

    2. Were you to busy with your checkbook to see the idiot cop run in front of the vehicle? Possibly your vision is impaired and can't see he was grabbing an area where one of the keystone kops put a bullet in him.

  29. Where are the dashboard cameras from the police cars? If the police are innocent why have they not released them. Also the guy that is labeled as the first shooter in this video, if Lavoy was armed why does he turn his back on him (after he shoots him) If he was indeed armed he would NOT have turned his back on him. He also looks like he is wearing military camo.

  30. I find it hard to believe that you idiot kops on here really think you can convince people that this was anything less than a premeditated execution. Do you think that if you say it long and often enough, we are all going to believe the lie? Your're not dealing with ignorant obama voters here, your're dealing with thinking people who know right from wrong. I was starting to feel a little sympathy for you guys after all the accusations of racism every time someone who isn't white gets shot, but after reading all these stupid nonsensical excuses offered up in defense of your brothers I now remember why no one can trust a kop anymore. You all have problems now, but it is only going to get worse. Every time something like this happens and you all jump to the defense of the murderers instead of standing up for what is right, you undermine the credibility and integrity of your uniform a little more. Pretty soon there will be none left and you will be just another group of forgotten disenfranchised helpless victims on the street like the rest of us, and the irony will be that you brought it on yourselves by defending the indefensible.

  31. Where are the dashboard cameras from the police cars?February 3, 2016 at 11:38 PM

    I'm sure they were "malfunctioning"

  32. February 3, 2016 at 7:50 PMFebruary 4, 2016 at 10:05 AM

    February 3, 2016 at 9:18 PM,
    ISIS clones in their ideology., follow the rest of the comment.

  33. . Pretty soon there will be none left and you will be just another group of forgotten disenfranchised helpless victims on the street like the rest of us, and the irony will be that you brought it on yourselves by defending the indefensible.

    February 3, 2016 at 11:39 PM

    I couldn't have said it better

  34. Why would the FBI buy dash camera's. The are used by road cops, not federal detectives.

  35. 8:33, read again. It was the State Police. Actually, OREGON State Police. Reading is fun!

    Getting murdered is not.

  36. At 9:17-I guess you were too busy making excuses to see the idiot little kop with a god complex jump right into the path of an out of control oncoming vehicle. He should have been killed for being stupid. Back to your first moot point-I don't know which video you saw, but the one I saw showed a man clutching his side after being ambushed and shot by a little punk kop probably looking for his first kill. Then the other murderer shot him in the back and the head just to make sure that anybody else who might question corrupt authority would think twice before standing up against the machine. Make all the excuses you want, but this was obviously murder and anybody who doesn't have an agenda can see it. I would say look again, but it won't do any good. Brotherly love trumps reality every time, doesn't it?

  37. 245 you are a retired school teacher. That's great thank you but leave the real world stuff to men.

  38. 2:45-Not even close on the first point. Do you think that because I know how to punctuate when I use the English language? To your second point-That's real he man stuff alright. I said it before-brotherly love trumps reality every time. I rest my case.

  39. Just keep drinking the cool aid folks! Yes, another cover up by our corrupt government and its leaders. When the powers that be come to your home for weapons and any other trumped up excuse, you may remember this incident.

  40. 529 I think that because you add your own assumptions to what people are thinking. And you can't possibly know that from the above clip at 10,000 feet. So it becomes a fantasy of yours. I said school teacher not because your articulate but your narcistic ego must have been developed over many years of surrounding yourself with yes people or students... Yes I'm using internet short hand.

  41. 529 your not a school teacher just another social justice warrior. Convienantly outraged.

  42. In Baltimore they were given space to destroy and le ordered to stand down while a city burned... Now we have 4 people in the woods 30 below zero and a drone is following them?? I guess I'm confused.


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