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Thursday, February 18, 2016

Larry Summers: "It’s time to kill the $100 bill"

Lawrence H. Summers, the Charles W. Eliot university professor at Harvard, formerUSTreasury Secretary and former director of the National Economic Council, in a column at The Washington Post tiled, It’s time to kill the $100 bill, is calling for the banishment from circulation of the US $100 bill.

He writes:

Harvard's Mossavar Rahmani Center for Business and Government, which I am privileged to direct, has just issued an important paper by senior fellow Peter Sands and a group of student collaborators. The paper makes a compelling case for stopping the issuance of high denomination notes like the 500 euro note and $100 bill or even withdrawing them from circulation.



  1. And it starts, the dying off of paper money to make way for the digital money where they can control you and make you a slave...

    Yeah it all sounds cool, not having paper money, being able to tap phones and fist and shit, but wait until it is so easy to turn off your account via digital telecommunications via the govt, and you will wish paper money stayed in existence...

    Just like the rfid tag chip they may want to put into peoples hands, they can turn that off with a switch of a button or a key stroke, so if you don't do what they say or if you talk about the govt in a bad way, they can shut it off and you can't buy anything or go into any place or the like...

    If you think all of this is a joke then look at what is happening to people ion social media where they say something critical of someone, say a muslim or the govt, you see what happens to them just over free speech, so why is this not possible to do with an rfid tag when you don;t do as they say???? or when you talk bad of the govt????

  2. I have said this for years, just think, a drug dealer can't buy $50,000 worth of dope with tens! Also, with this law, you can only turn in $10,000 worth, that is it. we also need to dump the penny and the 50 cent piece, and the paper one.

  3. That guy is totally nuts, as expensive as everything is today they need to reissue the $500 and the $1000 bills, and maybe even larger ones than those. This anti-cash movement is just another scheme cooked up by our monstrous government to keep an eye on EVERY DAMN THING WE DO!

  4. Some of the dumbest people in this world are college professors stuck in their academic world.


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