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Thursday, February 04, 2016

Kerry Used Private Email to Send Clinton Now-Classified Info

The State Department says Sen. John Kerry used a private email account to send information now deemed classified to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on her personal server.

Spokesman John Kirby said Tuesday that Kerry, then a Democratic senator from Massachusetts, used a "non-official account" to send a May 19, 2011, message to Clinton and then-national security adviser Tom Donilon. Portions of the message were classified as "secret" last week and censored when it was released along with about another 1,000 of Clinton's emails.



  1. As this thing becomes more apparent, it makes Watergate look like a campfire. There are so many people going down with this situation, I'm wondering if there will be any Democrats left in the DC zip code.

  2. Nothing will happen to them. Bernie will win he will appoint Hillary to great position. He will then tax our checks until we are forced to get 3 jobs.


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