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Thursday, February 11, 2016

JUST IN: State Health Officials Report Maryland's First Confirmed Case Of Zika

State health officials have confirmed Maryland's first case of the Zika virus.

The infection was confirmed via a blood test. The infected person had recently traveled to a country where Zika transmission remains active. No further information was provided about the infected person.

The mosquito-borne virus has led to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to issue travel warnings for women who are or may be pregnant. The virus has been linked to the birth defect microcephaly.

“Our department will continue to actively partner with the CDC, Maryland healthcare providers, laboratories, and health departments to provide support to Marylanders at risk of Zika infection – especially to pregnant women,” Van T. Mitchell, secretary of the state Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. “As CDC guidance has evolved, we actually have expanded access to testing for people who had not met that agency's initial testing criteria.”



  1. The CDC will protect us. Please pass the kool aid.

  2. Incredibly stupid to be traveling to countries where this is rampant right now.

  3. 5:21 No need to travel to those countries to get infected. Our border is wide open for those whom are already infected to bring it right to us.

  4. funny nothing for years then all of a sudden its an outbreak

  5. Can I still get a ticket to an active Ebola country?

  6. People pray to The Lord God this doesn't blaze a path of infection and death through our country like Ebola did; 11 cases and 2 deaths.

  7. The government knew about HIV years before they told us....we are too easily upset to be told the truth. Turns out...lots of us died because of their caution. And it goes on......

  8. 5:21 It will be rampant here too soon. People travel by cruise ship to these locations all of the time and think nothing of this.

    We are just now being told about this and they have had a problem with Zinka for some time.

    Have you seen the children being born with this disease? TRAGIC !!

  9. Just read some doctors in South America think it's the pesticide they've been putting in the drinking water that is causing birth defects. Not that it's a good thing, but would be less worrisome for other countries if that's the case.

  10. They have been dabbling with genetically modified mosquitoes for sometime as well and some have been released outside of the US. Now they are trying to get permission to release them in Florida with no concrete data on what the bite does to animals or how it affects them. All they know is they have a shorter life cycle and pass that gene on to other mosquitoes that they reproduce with.

  11. 8:46 Why NOT?? We have Frankenstein fish, Franken fruit...now franken insects....and it would appear...sadly...Frankenstein children as a result.

  12. Each year it seems like there is something new. Last year it was Ebola the year before it was H5 virus now this year we have this. Why the sudden outbreak of different things each year.


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