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Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Jeb Spends $2,884 Per Iowa Vote

Florida governor Jeb Bush received 5,165 votes in Iowa. His vote total constitutes 2.8 percent of the Republican turnout, placing him in sixth place in the Iowa caucus.

Yet no candidate in either party spent more in the race than Bush.

According to MSNBC, Bush spent $14.9 million in Iowa, all coming from Bush's super PAC. (In fact, if one were to consider national ads and money from the campaign, the total would be significantly more.)



  1. boo, hiss.
    give it up, jeb.

  2. For a Bush that is REALLY good. His brother got us into Iraq and so far we have spent $25,200 for every man, woman and child in that country.
    So $2,884 gets you 2.8% of the vote and $25,200 gets you the 25% of Iraq not run by ISIS.

  3. 9:17 You don't see them spending their own money. Always other peoples money.

  4. But remember Bush didn't go into Iraq alone. A majority of Congress voted to go in also. Jeb is desperate to bring down those he thinks will be a threat to his winning the WH. But he won't win. His backers are only wasting their money.


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