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Wednesday, February 10, 2016


"...I will never do it to him," he said

Jeb Bush won’t hold President Obama responsible for the direction the country is heading under his watch.

“I will not blame Barack Obama for anything,” Jeb Bush said to a N.H. crowd Sunday. “I got sick and tired of hearing him blame my brother and I will never do it to him.”

In other words, the establishment candidate won’t throw the establishment president under the bus, even though a lot of what’s wrong with this country is thanks to Obama.



  1. What a moron. Any republican who won't stand up and rail against these dem libtards and their policies should just pack up and go home now. We dont want someone who will get along with the left, we want someone who will go in and not only fight, but beat the piss out of the dems. Wake up republican establishment.... your demise is imminent!

  2. Jeb Bush is a sissy!!!

  3. Please go away Jeb.

  4. Not to worry, Jeb. You won't have the opportunity.

  5. Sounds like Jeb lost his backbone!

    The current POSPOTUS blamed everything on his predecessor - then made everything worse...this dirtbag illegal alien should be held accountable for everything he screwed up!

  6. This is why he can never be president.

  7. To make such an insane comment as this only further proves Jeb Bush is not what is needed in DC. Dynasty Elites are so PC restricted they strangle their ability to openly discuss issues. Obama IS to blame for most of the damage in DC. Perhaps Bush is merely providing some cover for his fellow RINOs who have complied and allowed Obama to reek havoc on our economy and ability to preserve US importance in the global theater.

    Never a fan of any Bush, I would say his family legacy is more a hindrance than a help for his bid.

    Oh, and by the way, when Jeb yammers on about Trump's eminent domain, he fails to acknowledge his own foils with same. i.e. the Disabled Vet he ejected from the man's property whilst governor of Florida or his brother's Ranger stadium - both using eminent domain while making millions.

    Lots of forked tongued candidates out there. Better educate yourselves before casting your vote.


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