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Monday, February 22, 2016

It Is “Just a Piece of **** Paper”

We’re supposed to revere – and follow – the Constitution. But if they don’t, why should we?

By they, I mean the people who lord it over us. Our rulers. I choose the word deliberately, in the interests of editorial accuracy. We’re certainly not ruled by the Constitution.

And neither are they.

Consider, for instance, this business of judicial review. The power claimed by the Supreme Court to “interpret” the Constitution. It is a power you will find nowhere in the Constitution itself, or even hinted at. It was simply asserted by the first chief justice, John Marshall (who was a cousin of but also – unsurprisingly – a great enemy of Thomas Jefferson’s) in a kind of lawyerly Beer Hall Putsch. The court, under Marshall, defined and decreed its own power. It has been the final arbiter of what the Constitution “really” means ever since.

Even when the court’s interpretation is obviously at odds with the plain meaning of what is actually written in the Constitution.

This is the mechanism by which we are halted and searched randomly – the very definition of unreasonable, which is the language you will find in the Constitution. But the Court has repeatedly asserted its own fluid definition, Humpty Dumpty-style, contrary to what is written and simply because it can. The Fourth (and other amendments) mean whatever the Court says they mean, which means they mean nothing at all.



  1. all lives matter. also these uninformed thugs need to realize that more police officers lives are taken by these thugs then black lives by police officers... as a matter of fact black people are taking black lives more than anyone else is. Maybe they should go scream that black lives matter in the predominantly black hoods and the prisons where these killers of black lives actually reside. How many do we really know of innocent black people that are killed by cops intentionally? We do know of tons of black lives taken by black thugs on the daily... look at your predominantly black neighborhoods.. run down and drug ridden and high crime. This isnt because of the landlords or anyone else. Its because they destroy the homes and bring chaos and crime to the areas they live. and its everyone elses fault. How about when you maintain your home and neighborhood, teach your children to respect laws and authority and other peoples rights and properties, your life wont become such a battle but harmonious and you will enjoy life. One more thing all this free food, housing contributes to this thug lifestyle.. if they actually had to get out and work and pay for their kids and place to live they might respect it more. Food for thought. Heres your food stamp message of the day... this advice was free eat it up!!!!

  2. Obama uses it as Toilet paper.


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