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Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Is Cruz a Liar?

“Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have the identical position on health care, which is they want to put the government in charge of you and your doctor,” Ted Cruz said Sunday, attacking his rivals' health care plans.

“Fact checking” site PolitiFact rated this statement false — because Clinton is the least leftist of the three, as she wants to preserve ObamaCare.

The next day, Trump called into ABC to defend his position. “Look, Ted Cruz is a total liar,” Trump said. “I’m so against ObamaCare. I’ve been saying it for two years in my speeches. I’m going to repeal and replace ObamaCare.”

So the question is this: What will Trump replace Obama’s failed policy with? Currently, Trump has not released a detailed health care plan. But if his past comments are any indicator, he will support some sort of single-payer health care system, similar to that of the socialist candidate. In 2000, while Trump was pondering a third-party presidential run, he published a book, “The America We Deserve.” In it, he wrote in praise of single-payer health care systems like the one in Canada: “We must have universal health care. I’m a conservative on most issues but a liberal on this one.”



  1. He is a politician, therefore by definition a liar.

  2. Guys, I LIKE Cruz, but he is NOT eligible.

  3. 9:31 You must be one of the few, not sure is own family likes the guy.

  4. 931-Cruz is eligible. Just like McCain was in 00, despite Bush using similar crap tactics.

  5. Put lipstick on slime and what do you have...Pretty Slime!

    Good bye!

  6. Obamacare screwed the middle class.

    Trump and Sanders are right about single-payer.

  7. Of course it screwed the middle class, it was totally the Heritage Foundation's plan. They only look out for the top percent.


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