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Friday, February 12, 2016

Iowa Democrats Stonewalling On Vote Totals

After the ridiculously close squeaker in the Iowa caucuses, the state’s Democratic Party said it couldn’t release the raw vote totals for Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

That simply isn’t how they do business, party officials insisted.

Even after they audited the results this week, Iowa Democratic officials would say only that Clinton won 49.84 percent of the vote and Sanders 49.59 percent, reducing her margin slightly to a quarter of a point.

Sanders has called for the raw vote totals to be released. The state party says that’s not the way it conducts the caucuses. And the press has pretty much let the matter drop.

But it hasn't played out that way in past elections.



  1. How is this even legal will they start burning Bernie votes.

  2. The Democratic party is determined that Hillary Clinton be on the Democratic ballet. All the Super Pac's are giving Clinton tens of millions of dollars to put her in the White House. Money elects the President of the United States, not the poplar vote as Berney Sanders has stated numerous times.

  3. Bernie is feeling the burn.Of course they won't release the vote count they don't want bernie to beat her royal higness that slezebag hillary.

  4. How much more crooked can politics become with Clinton in the White House. Are there at least a few intelligent people left in this country that gives a dam.

  5. The Dems just hate it when their voter fraud schemes are used against themselves.

  6. They didn't think a socialist would do so well


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