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Tuesday, February 09, 2016


As UN ambassador, Albright justified the death of 500,000 children

Madeleine Albright’s warning that women who don’t vote for Hillary are going to hell should probably be taken seriously given that Albright once justified the deaths of half a million Iraqi children, and almost certainly has a special place reserved in hades for herself.

“There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other… [some] don’t understand the importance of why young women have to support Hillary Clinton,” Albright said during a Clinton campaign event on Saturday.

The remark was another reference to what seems to be the Clinton campaign’s primary platform – ‘vote for Hillary because she has a vagina’.

The irony of Clinton constantly touting her feminist credentials is particularly disgusting given her past role in hiring people to terrorize women who alleged they were raped by Bill Clinton.



  1. Some people have been dropped on their heads tooooooo many times

  2. If I were Hillary I sure would not want that woman standing up for me...she if from a whole other generation and represents OLD.

  3. Women do NOT have to support Hillary Clinton. And the only special place in hell are for those lying, power-hungry witches that make such comments.

  4. Hopefully there is a special place in hell for the Secretary of State who let four Americans die in Benghazi and then lied about it

  5. 4:22
    Poor fellow.

    She didn't "let them die".
    They were murdered by their own government.

    Wake up and smell the facism.

  6. Just another liberal IDOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I remember when she was secretary to the U.N. We called her Madeleine Halfbright

  8. We need a complete change in government. Unfortunately people vote by name recognition. The first district in Maryland has never had a good voting record.

  9. Very high ranking Wicca, both of them

  10. Hillary Clinton has to become a real women first with morals before a sane women votes for her.

  11. The Albright story has been everything to women voters and given the fact that she has had a crushing defeat in New Hampshire (21% loss) the voters are answering her call. Let's not even go to the place where only 8% of the voters saw her as honest/trustworthy. She has left a mark on history with her professional politician career that gives yet another reason why term limits (and in her case perhaps number of elected/appointed offices).

    She has proven that women do not resonate with other women who engage in nefarious wrongdoing and shaming them into voting for her just because she's a women. Clearly, this is the most ant-feminist statement anyone has said in a long time. And this worked about as well as the time before.


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