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Thursday, February 18, 2016

How To Further Degrade Military Effectiveness

When you want to take a country down, the first thing you do is weaken its military. That’s why “sequestration” turned out to be the perfect storm for the Obama administration. It provided the legal basis — actually, an excuse, as in “the budget made me do it” — for the unilateral disarmament of our military forces. Consequently, our forces have been degraded to levels not seen since prior to World War II, and in the Navy’s case, not since before World War I. It should be remembered that sequestration was an Obama administration initiative.

Compounding this disastrous situation, with all the instability and challenges we face throughout the world, our once-proud and uncontested military forces have also been subjected to debilitating social engineering directives. This is being done under the mantle of “diversity.” These include the removal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”; forcing women into all combat roles, including our Special Forces and Navy SEALs; and the integration of “transgender” personnel into the military. None of these directives enhance readiness or capability. Of course, the restricted Rules of Engagement our soldiers are forced to observe is another factor leading to the destruction of our military capability and effectiveness, as well as adding to the unnecessary loss of military lives.

The net effect has been to not only undermine the moral fiber of our military, but to adversely affect unit integrity, cohesiveness and most importantly, the “will to win.” We most recently saw an example of this with the capture of our two 47-foot heavily armed Riverine Command Boats in the Persian Gulf on Jan. 12 by two lightly armed Iranian center console craft. “Humiliation” describes it best. This was the darkest day for the U.S. Navy since the North Korean capture of the USS Pueblo.

Another directive that will adversely affect combat readiness and effectiveness is the recent Executive Order 13653, which directs all government agencies, including the Department of Defense, to prepare for the “impacts of climatic change.”

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