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Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Homeless Vet Denied Help And Dies In The Cold…Same Night, As Refugees Get Free Food And Housing…

This took place in Sweden, but could have just as easily happened here in the US. Refugees are being given housing, entitlements and jobs, while citizens are losing their livelihoods and are being kicked out on the street in the name of diversity. Among the saddest of these cases are the homeless that die while refugees are set up in comfort. In January, a homeless Swedish vet froze to death on the streets while a Muslim African family was given free housing and taught how to use a toilet for the first time. I kid you not. Just beyond deplorable.

From BuzzPo:

This is what happens when bleeding heart liberals (is there any other kind?) decide that bringing in refugees is more important than addressing homelessness in their own nation. This happened in Sweden in early January. But it’s also happening here in America.

‘Refugees’ arriving in Sweden are plied with an endless list of entitlements, as seen in the video. But during the same time frame this family was getting free housing, a homeless Swedish vet froze to death.



  1. Things like this ARE happening here. I am praying for a vet right now that may become homeless because of the VA taking forever to determine what is going on in his life. So SAD.

  2. When you can't take care of the men and women who fought for America, you have NO ROOM for illegal aliens or refugees. Being that they are able to rape and pillage women in Germany, why don't they go back to their own country and fight in their own civil war? It seems they're more than capable of doing this so why are they seeking anything from any other country? Send 'em back and close the borders. Its time we stopped messing around and got serious on immigration crimes and deport them ALL. Enough said.

  3. I thought Sweden didn't have an Army? Am I wrong here?

  4. 10:46....thorntoncrowe.....I LIKE IT. Until every veteran is cared for in this country we cannot take in any illegals to feed and shelter. No refugees until we care for these (veterans)

  5. Sweden has an army. And a navy and air force.

  6. Sweden's whole population is their army!!! and hence why no one fucks with them!!!! Oh and the swiss have a better navy than us!!!!


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