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Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Hillary's Emails Contain Names of Undercover CIA Spies

U.S. intelligence officials say "top-secret" emails Hillary Clinton kept on her private email server when she headed the State Department include the real names of CIA spies serving undercover overseas — a violation of federal law that has put the agents in harm's way, The Observer reports.

And, The Observer's John Schindler writes, those emails also include the names of foreigners on the CIA payroll, possibly endangering their lives.

"At a minimum, valuable covers have been blown, careers have been ruined, and lives have been put at serious risk. Our spies' greatest concern now is what's still in Hillary's emails that investigators have yet to find," Schindler, a former National Security Agency analyst, says in his report.

He also quotes a senior intelligence community official as saying the security breach is a "death sentence."

"If we're lucky, only [foreign] agents, not our officers, will get killed because of this," the official says.

The Observer report comes four days after the State Department said it was withholding 22 emails from Clinton's server because they contained "top-secret" information, although the agency gave no hint about what that classified information was.

The FBI has been investigating Clinton's use of a private server to determine whether it is a criminal matter.

The Observer calls the breach a clear violation of federal law, citing the Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982, voted into law following the murder of the CIA spy in Greece after his identity was disclosed in the media.

More here


  1. Anybody remember what a big deal the dems made over the 'outing' of desk-jockey CIA employee Valerie Plame by a Dick Cheney associate?

    Not even an in-the-field agent, and they were all over the case.

    THIS case could have (and probably will) cost some agents their lives.

    There's NO WAY they can walk away from prosecuting this.

  2. She should be charged with reckless manslaughter for every agent that gets killed because of her crimes.

  3. There is a dark side to this country and they attempt to control this type of activity. Let us see if the dark side wins .....let us see if Hillary is brought to account. If you wish to see justice....speak up in the places that you may change things.

    Speak in soft but strong voices filled with concern and hope to end this type of unjust activity in our government.

    If we elect the dark side.....don't look for the light of freedom.

  4. Next time you hear someone telling you "Hillary has your back", check to see what she's packing.

  5. 1:38 starting with the ones in Benghazi!

  6. OMG Hillary is a murderer. She's a traitor for letting these secret doc get out. There dead or will be soon (the agents). Who's worse obumma or hillary? They are just bad ppl in general. I don't even understand how she's still free walking around?

  7. She is a traitor to this country and should pay for her crimes.

  8. I wish that this were the last straw, but it probably isn't.

  9. If they are "lucky", MAYBE our agents won't get killed.
    If SHE is lucky, she'll be the next President.
    Read the above comments and then come back and say there ARE NOT "two sets of laws".
    You cannot.
    Keep cheering this lopsided, serfs and masters routine.
    Or, start the hanging.
    I'm going with "hanging".

  10. Hillary has your back, and that's her fist that's wound around the knife she put in it.

  11. she will probably win this election for 2 reasons; there are a lot of stupid people in this country and there are a lot of people who have no desire to ever work. just sit back, play the lottery, and wait for the mailman

  12. Has anyone shown that her server was hacked yet?


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