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Wednesday, February 03, 2016


Everything will change during the primaries in open voting states

Don’t put too much credence is Trump’s loss in the Iowa caucus.

It really isn’t significant.


Because the votes in Iowa were restricted to registered Republican voters and a lot of them are sticking to the party line.

Trump’s support among Republicans is out on the periphery.

The Democrat establishment knows a lot of registered Democrats favor Trump. According to The Upshot by Civis Analytics, a Democratic data firm, Democrats in the South, Appalachia and the industrial North support Trump.

In early January Mercury Analytics, a research company with clients that include MSNBC and Fox News, conducted an online poll. It revealed a full 20% of Democrats said they would go against the party line and vote for Trump in a general election.

Independents are a large factor as well.



  1. Plus Fox news and Rodger Ailes, and not showing up to the debate was Fox news plan.

  2. Has to make it through the primaries to become the nominee.

  3. Lay off the booze 11:34. I am not a Trump fan. But Trump is in control of Trump! Bet FOX news killed JFK too! What a loon!!

    1. Your the idiot fir not seeing the big picture, keep your head in the sand and maybe u need a drink.

    2. Your the idiot for not seeing the big picture, keep your head in the sand and maybe u need a drink.

  4. Iowa shouldn't matter, it is hardly representative of the US. Their out sized influence needs to end.
    On top of that they give the win to the Christian Ayatollah who scares the crap out of normal people. Go Trump!

  5. Iowa is nothing but a contest to see who can be the biggest holy roller. It is just ridiculous.

  6. It really doesn't hurt his candidacy as much as his delecate ego. He really cant give speeches just talking about the polls because he now realizes that they are not accurate. The true test will be how he handles it now. I think he will be forced to offer more details which could actually be a good thing for him. If he is going to beat a democratic candidate, he will need to step it up.

  7. "Nobody remembers the one who comes in second" Donald Trump before the primaries when the polls all showed he was on top.

  8. Most Republican presidents came in second or third in Iowa. ...Reagan. ..


  9. There are peculiarities about caucus states, and there are a few more out there.

    Some states with primaries only permit registered members of a party to vote on their party's candidates.

    Some other states permit registered voters with one party to 'crossover' and vote in the other party's primary instead.

    There may be states where just being a registered voter in a party or an independent is sufficient to permit voting in one party's primary.

    You need to be a rules nerd to figure it out and anticipate what factors will move voters.


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