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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Hackers publish contact info of 20,000 FBI employees

WASHINGTON -- Hackers, making good on a threat, published contact information for 20,000 FBI employees Monday afternoon, just one day after posting similar data on almost 10,000 Department of Homeland Security employees.

The hackers, tweeting from the account @DotGovs, claim they obtained the details by hacking into a Department of Justice database.

The hackers boasted on Twitter, "FBI and DHS info is dropped and that's all we came to do, so now its time to go, bye folks! #FreePalestine."



  1. that's what I keep seeing but so far I have not seen a single name or adddress.

  2. The Obama-Government should not mess with the group..."Anonymous"...

    they are everywhere

  3. Good! Ain't no fun when the rabbit has the gun. Life on the protected and doubled standard highway is a bit@# when hit head on!

  4. Hahaha. Man!! Can this administration with All their affirmative action leadership protect anything? ?? NO SHAME IN THEIR GAME!!


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