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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

GOP Establishment to Kasich: Get Out, You're in Rubio's Way

Republican fundraiser Bobbie Kilberg got down to the nub of the issue in explaining why she wants GOP presidential candidate John Kasich to give up the ship.

"I think it is not helpful to have more than one mainstream candidate in this race," Kilberg tells Politico.

Like many in the party after the South Carolina primary, Kilberg says she sees Florida Sen. Marco Rubio as the only establishment-backed candidate with a legitimate chance to overcome the Donald Trump tidal wave and win the nomination, Politico reports.

Other GOP voices say Kasich is accomplishing nothing by staying in the race.



  1. call 202-224-3121 and raise some hellFebruary 24, 2016 at 6:17 PM

    Just heard the GOP Establishment just gave Rubio 100 Million Dollars to go against Cruz and Trump

  2. Not a chance 636. Kasich has too much integrity for that. Trump is a baffoon.

  3. Actually he's the only republican that I would vote for.

  4. 7:08 If trump is a baffoon than what is Obama.

  5. Kasich and Carson both need to leave.

  6. 7:08 yup you are right! so we should just keep electing those people who keep lying to us and leading us to hell? idiot!

  7. Kasich is one of the few on the GOP side who actually has plans and talks sense.

  8. Rubio and Cruz need to get out of Kasich's way. I'd prefer him over the other two liars.

  9. Kasich isn't even beating trump in Ohio his home state. Kasich is a nobody...and will remain just that...

  10. 8:12 PM - Answer: President


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