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Thursday, February 04, 2016

FEC Informs Ted Cruz Campaign They Must Provide Information On 2012 Senate Loans…

By now most people are aware of the controversy surrounding Candidate Ted Cruz and his failure to reveal $1.3 million in campaign “loans” from Goldman Sachs and Citibank during his 2012 campaign for the senate. At the heart of the issue is a failure of Ted and Heidi Cruz to list Wall Street “loans” on the required Federal Election Commission financial reports.

Together with the campaign officials the Cruz’s say the non-reporting was an accidental oversight. However, a watch dog group has now filed a complaint with the FEC which is step one to beginning an FEC investigation.



  1. More BS. Has this watch group spent any time trying to uncover Clinton dirt?

  2. Beginning to think he is as slick as the Clinton's!

  3. Even slicker, 2:43!

  4. "Beginning to think he is as slick as the Clinton's!"

    Oh sure, let's believe everything the FEC says. I'm SURE they wouldn't have an agenda...

  5. Once again, called to task for honest issues.

    This is beginning to be the moniker of the Republican and Democrat primaries. Doesn't seem to get better - it only turns worse with each news cycle. Yet, many people sit there and defend these nefarious actions as if they, themselves, have absolutely no moral compass either.

    What happened to wanting a presidential candidate to possess morals, integrity, honesty and value truth? Are we really so jaded that we just don't care about laws anymore?

    Just amazing that people looking a letter from the FEC and state they have some 'agenda.' It's like agreeing with Hillary - the FBI (a nonpartisan government agency) is a bunch of Right Winged conspirators, plotting to take her down - when she admittedly had the server in a bathroom in the basement of her home - knowing it was illegal because she signed a disclosure before becoming the Secretary of State.

    We might as well just pitch the whole judicial system aside and regress back to cavemen days where when mad, we just club each other to death.

    Question: If your willing to recognize Sharia law, why isn't American law just as viable? The sword of Justice slices both ways, kids.

    How's that for being un-PC?

  6. Yep, Ted and Goldman-Sachs.
    Clinton and Goldman-Sachs.

    If you don't want Goldman-Sachs for President, probably has to go a Trump-Sanders face off.

    Not sure about Rubio. More establishment, so that could be bad and tied to Big Banks.


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