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Wednesday, February 03, 2016


ELECTION 2016 - MARYLAND HAS A NEW VOTING SYTEM! The Worcester County Board of Elections will present a demonstration of the new voting system which will be utilized during this election year on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9th, at the Ocean Pines Association Community Center East Room from 4-5:30 pm. Please take this opportunity to acquaint yourself with the new voting system. Board of Elections staff will explain the new system and hands-on demonstrations will be available.

1 comment:

  1. Is the training actually being demonstrated by Worcester County Board of Elections staff? It contradictory. Yes, Worcester County is presenting the training and it is being demonstrated by Board of Elections staff... but from where? Worth asking only because certain political partys are usually involved in "training" and usually have no stipulations on who shows up from what county they are from. Which is probably why this notice does not state any ID is required to attend. Just need to be cautious no matter what side of the aisle you're on. In my opinon do they think voters are that stupid anyway? Then why allow them to vote in the next election. They need to hold a demonstration on how to properly count votes.


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