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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Donald Trump Wins South Carolina Primary as Jeb Bush Quits Race

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump rolled to victory on Saturday in South Carolina in a contest that saw former Florida Governor Jeb Bush drop out, while Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton beat back a strong challenge from Bernie Sanders in Nevada.

The victories by Trump, who is running as an anti-establishment outsider, and Clinton, a preeminent political insider, solidified their positions as the front-runners to win their parties' respective nominations ahead of the Nov. 8 presidential election.

The night's most prominent casualty, Bush suffered a distant fourth place finish in the Republican contest and announced he had suspended his campaign, ending his dream of becoming a third Bush president after his father and brother.

"The people of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina have spoken, and I really respect their decision," an emotional Bush said in Columbia. He finished far out of the running in each of the first three states.



  1. Finally a Bush that couldn't buy a presidency.100 million last ditch attempt a still no support. Wow must be nice to not be phased but such monetary losses

  2. Well Jeb dropping out is wonderful news now all we have to worry about is the RNC overstepping and refusing to promote the front runner.

    1. that would be a foolish move by the rnc. Trump has st himself up well. He struck a deal with the RNC that he can't lose unless he loses the support of the masses.

  3. Truth be told bush was out of money and time.....loser

  4. Let's hope so 2:20pm

  5. I'm sure Trump is lying but at least he is telling lies I want to hear. No doubt we need a break from the same song and dance.. Taxing the Rich, pay raise to middle class, blah blah blah. Bernie is saying some of the same things Potus said in 07-16. YouTube it if you don't believe me. Trump 2016.

  6. Scariest election year I have ever seen. I wouldn't vote for any of them. Either side.

  7. 920 who have you voted for in the past?

  8. 920 Voted for Obama... one more person thats stupid and helped ruin our country.

  9. 11:45 / 2:20 - if the RNC doesn't coalesce around whoever, they're giving up the election!

    Either of the dummocrats remaining will plunge this country in to a total cesspool...just look at Baltimore, Chicago, and Detroit if you want examples!

  10. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 22, 2016 at 12:03 PM

    No More Bushes
    No More Clinton's

  11. Just constantly remind yourself of what the USSR represents.United Soviet SOCIALIST Republic.


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