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Wednesday, February 03, 2016

DOJ: Former Md. Judge Violated the Civil Rights of Uncooperative Defendant

(CNSNews.com) - The Justice Department announced on Monday that a former circuit county judge in Charles County, Md., is guilty of violating the civil rights of a defandant in his courtroom who twice refused the judge's order to stop reading a statement.

Robert C. Nally (who is white) pleaded guilty to one count of "the deprivation of rights under color of law" for ordering a deputy sheriff to administer an electric shock to defendant Delvon King (who is black) during a pretrial hearing in July 2014.

The federal government stepped in after the Charles County Sheriff's department declined to bring charges.

King was representing himself on gun possession charges when Judge Nalley asked him if had any questions for the jury pool.




  2. wth are you talking about?

    1. Are you incoherent? ?? The judge told him to STOP. He didn't. Hence no following directions. WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? ??GEESH!!!

  3. hey, 10:45...are you stupid?
    A citizen is ATTACKED in court by a police officer, who was ordered by a judge (!) to use a electric charge to gain "compliance".
    THAT is the kind of courtroom drama usually reserved for judges in China, North Korea, and Saudi Arabia.
    Have you ever heard of "contempt of court"? You know, where defendants (and sometimes, plaintiffs) are removed from the court for failing to follow court directions, disrespect, etc.?
    You seem to think that if someone is attacked by an official of the government, well, it MUST be okay.
    You've been on your knees too long. Stand up now and be a man instead of a boot licking yes man for people who forgot the law and have forgotten their place. What's next that you will be okay with? A couple of shots fired by a deputy in the court because a citizen did something the judge didn't like?
    Keep cheering.

  4. Who gives a crap about the race of the judge and defendant? It should be irrelevant. The judge should have been disbarred and charged with assault at the very least. End of story. The DOJ should not be jumping into these situations to make sure a white person is extra punished.

    Really, what "human rights" were violated in this case, that aren't violated hundreds of times a day by police, judges, criminals, prison wardens, and inmates alike? The DOJ should not be involved in an isolated case like this. Especially when the judge is rightfully being held accountable.

    It's one thing, if this was standard procedure for mouthy defendants regardless of race. But just because it was a black, they decide to jump in, and that in itself is injustice. If it were a white man, maybe the judge would have been held accountable, maybe not. But the DOJ wouldn't even give it a second glance, just because the "victim" was white.


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