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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Democratic Debate Moderators Have Not Asked A Single Question About LGBT Equality

Debate moderators have failed to ask a single question about LGBT equality in the first five Democratic primary debates, despite a number of emerging threats to LGBT rights.

In the five Democratic presidential debates held since last October, debate moderators at CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC and MSNBC failed to ask candidates a single question related to LGBT equality. The only time a moderator mentioned LGBT rights was in the first Democratic debate, hosted by CNN on October 13, 2015, when moderator Anderson Cooper referenced Hillary Clinton's previous opposition to same-sex marriage - which she eventually reversed - to ask, "Will you say anything to get elected?"

Moderators of the GOP debates, by comparison, have asked candidates about issues related to LGBT equality, including exploring the candidates' positions on Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis, who refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, and inquiring into candidate Ben Carson's involvement on gay-friendly corporate boards.



  1. They don't want to bring up anything about Lesbians, it will make Hillary mad that she has been outed.

  2. Two Things Could Be TrueFebruary 17, 2016 at 9:40 PM

    They haven't asked that of GOP candidates either, even though Rubio talks about marriage at every opportunity he can when making final remarks.


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