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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Dear Hillary Clinton: pay attention.


  1. Thank you for posting this. Americans are angry and it shows. We've had enough of the crap and we need leadership now.

  2. You previously posted this video on 2/13/2016 at 10:30:00 PM. It got cha 2 comments. Some folks start showing signs of Alzheimer's about 50 and you've proved approaching 54 there is no hiding the signs.

  3. Maybe this girl will run for congress, she would be much better than 99% of the ones there now. Her message is 100% correct. Please repost this video often, it's not alzheimer's, it's doing the right thing.

  4. 7:13 Perhaps someone missed the first posting because I did. Or, perhaps you are a Hillary supporter and you just can't handle the truth!

  5. I'm american and I support this message

  6. This is one of the most important post that you have put on this media. It , in my opinion should be posted every week or at least every month until the it sinks in. Hillary has targeted the young , the Hispanic and the blacks because she feels they are ignorant .
    This may be somewhat true after panels of research toward all three.
    Her theory is ignorance may get her to the top.
    The educated young may have a chance to tear her down with posts like these. The truth will set you free!

  7. Hurray, an educated millennial.

  8. I'd like to see that list of clinton bodies.

    1. Just google it up. 50+ and.counting.

  9. 713 spend the day on YouTube watching Clinton videos. You can go all the way back to water gate when she worked with Nixon. Decades of lies. She will say anything depending on where she is at. Research it see for your self. Power of computers... Internet short had... Thank you.

  10. I like 8:45 support this message and I am a 67 year old female. If everyone that intends on voting would just take the time to really research the candidates, especially when we get down to the two you would do this country as great service. Don't vote because you want the only female, or because someone is a loud bully, so therefore must be right for the office. The next war could be nuclear ,keep that in mind who do you want at the control? I pray experienced, level head not hot headed, one who believes in God and truly loves this country.

  11. This is real intelligence. Hurray for her.

  12. 10:09
    How about doing the research and then REFRAINING from the entire project?

    Stop voting.

  13. It is ok to be opposed to Hillery but this girl is one nasty vulgar person and apparently so is her father as she quotes him at the end. I don't care for these people and would not want my family around them.


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