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Monday, February 01, 2016

Contagious Airborne Diseases Appear in Schools Across Texas

Highly contagious airborne diseases–tuberculosis (TB) and measles–surfaced in three Texas public school districts located in different parts of the state, although officials have not identified the origins of these cases.

In Harris County, Houston Independent School District officials confirmed one case of tuberculosis at Sugar Grove Academy Middle School. The student, according to ABC-TV affiliate KTRK, was diagnosed, treated, and is recovering. The contagious airborne pulmonary infection can spread rapidly once the bacteria becomes active because an individual will manifest symptoms.

Not everyone infected exhibits tell-tale signs of the reputed lung illness if the bacteria remains dormant. Earlier this week, the school district sent its parents a letter to say they continue to monitor the situation. The middle school said potentially affected children may need to be TB tested. Those families will receive a separate letter and consent form by Feb. 1.



  1. Speaking of Texas, are you aware they are, and have been, having their own issues with BLM?

    Maybe you have already seen it Joe, but I came across a couple of things that the now governor of Texas has told the BLM. Namely to get out of Texas.

    I have seen the letter (online) that was sent to BLM and a letter that BLM sent back to the governor's office.

    If any state can kick their ass it would be Texas, and I wish them Godspeed.

  2. Illegals are putting our children at risk.

  3. TB is a re-emerging disease, with over 10 million new cases worldwide annually. It's a nasty disease that often doesn't reveal itself until it's gained a strong foothold on the victim. Once it's established, it can target almost any tissue in the body, not just the lungs, including the brain, spinal cord and bones.

  4. 12:01PM No, illegals may be a part of it but they are not solely to blame. Illnesses such as whooping cough and shingles are coming from parents who fail to vaccinate their children and choose to live off the land. This is no different. . .

  5. HELLO....They have been testing employees of prisons for TB at least 25 years that I know of. Where do you thing ground zero for TB has been?


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