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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Congress wants to turn the US Postal Service… into a bank

It’s news that seems ripped from the pages of The Onion. Or perhaps Atlas Shrugged.

But incredibly enough it’s actually true: earlier this week, Congress proposed a new law authorizing the US Postal Service to provide banking and financial services.

It’s called the “Providing Opportunities for Savings, Transactions, and Lending” Act, abbreviated as… wait for it… the POSTAL Act.

And it provides explicit authorization for them to provide banking services including checking and savings accounts, money transfers, and “other basic financial services as the Postal Service deems appropriate in the public interest.”

Bank of the Post Office. It’s incredible when you think about it.



  1. Yea it's incredible alright!! You can't even get your Mail forwarded to you if you move they just return it to sender. I can't wait to hear all the horror stories about list transactions and embezzlement UNREAL!!

  2. Dear 444
    I was thinking the same , they have screwed up to the point of no return in the postal business. Now can you imagine handling some ones
    money , I don't think so. Talk about becoming "POSTAL" , look out for this crap.

  3. Also let them be police,bill collectors,etc.

  4. ...because letter carrying has been so successful...

  5. For those that don't know history the United States Post Office Department use to run the Postal Savings System from 06 25 1911 to 04 27 1966.

    Sand Box John

    1. Hence the phrase used to!! They used to be pretty efficient at a lot like getting a letter from fruitland to salisbury in less than 7 days, heck probably on horseback even

  6. Just like Walmart, one stop shopping!!

  7. Man the postal service is in no shape or situation to consider any such business. It's employees consist of mostly temps with no type of retirement or benefits. Are you willing to trust that with your hard earned money


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