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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

CNN Fact-Checker Lies About Ted Cruz

CNN is not only desperate to absolve itself of its legitimate responsibility for spreading the false idea that Dr. Ben Carson was dropping out of the presidential race last week, CNN is also hoping to complete a three-bank shot that will damage Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in the process. Saturday night, CNN went so far as to have their phony left-wing “fact-checker” Tom Foreman lie about Cruz.

For all of this to make sense, let’s start at the beginning.

Last Monday night, during the Iowa Caucus, I watched CNN live and saw the Carson segment in question that lit this political fire. At the time, there was no doubt in my mind that CNN, for whatever reason, wanted people to believe that Carson was dropping out of the race. Watch the segment with Jake Tapper and Dana Bash for yourself.

Bash even goes beyond reporting to ominously inform viewers, “Look, if you want to be president of the United States, you don’t go home to Florida. That’s just the bottom line. That’s the end of the story.”

Oh, okay.

Here is the most important fact: In the segment above, Bash is referring to reporting from CNN’s Chris Moody. At the time, Moody’s reporting had been done only through his Twitter account, which has fewer than 31,000 followers. This is important, because through his Twitter account, Moody reported a crucially important fact that CNN held back both on its cable network and through the official CNN Twitter account.

According to my colleague Joel Pollak’s timeline of events, Moody made clear in his Twitter-reporting that Ben Carson was not dropping out of the race. For whatever reason, the on-air reporting neglected to mention this clarifying bit of news.

Now ask yourself this simple question: Why did CNN leave that out?

(More details and video here)


  1. The only leverage Carson has whatsoever is a possible VP position if Trump wins.Nagging and wining about this isn't going to accomplish a thing,but it continues on like the Eveready bunny.Nothing would have been different regardless of what anyone did or said,tweeted or whatever.Anyone still attempting to keep this issue alive is attempting to make a racial issue out of the election process.It's over.Look elsewhere for a story and quit trying to breathe new life into a zombie.

  2. always remember CNN was and is the Clinton News Network...they always lie to reach their goal; similar to the Muslims...

  3. CNN - remember their deal with Saddam Hussein?

  4. The media hates Cruz. Ask yourself why. (Hint: the media loves Obama.)


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