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Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Clueless college kids can’t name any freedoms in First Amendment

I don’t know what happened to college, but this generation of students are especially stupid. A group has surveyed students and reports that most college students can’t name a single freedom listed in the First Amendment that we live by every day. This is frightening and I hope the students surveyed are art students.

“[Students] cannot identify the term lengths of members of Congress, the substance of the First Amendment, or the origin of the separation of powers,” says the report by the ACTA.

Perhaps the most shocking: One third of college students couldn’t name a single First Amendment right and 43 percent couldn’t name the Freedom of Speech as one of those rights, CampusReform is reporting.

The report – called “abysmal” by the authors, found only 20 percent identified James Madison as the Father of our Constitution, 40 percent didn’t realize Congress was the body authorized to declare war and almost ten percent thought Judge Judy was on the Supreme Court.

Universities’ failure to teach a proper civics education is to blame.



  1. And this is why I call you people STUPID and that you can't fix STUPID!!!!

  2. Your saying they lack intelligence, dull or have know commonsense! They were never taught this curriculum. Your comment is completely incorrect and you can fix stupid, maybe not in your case!

  3. "...Universities’ failure to teach a proper civics education is to blame."

    No. Lack of Civics education in middle/high school is to blame. Our nations' history is not a subject to be left until college.

  4. What in the devil are they learning in school these days? Disgraceful. Of course when I went to school, we pledged to the flag every day and said the Lord's prayer also. Then we actually learned history and English, unlike some people who don't know the difference between "know" and "no".

    1. How to be a free loader socialist aka Bernie.

  5. Welcome to Bernie Sanders free college voters.

  6. Sad thing is they are also allowed to vote!!

  7. once again, the most "highly-educated" among us are clueless!

  8. schools and colleges dont want them to know. That way when their freedoms are taken away they wont have a clue

  9. The most highly educated are also the most highly indoctrinated.

  10. MY art student knows every single one of them.

    And now you know why history and civics are both important subjects, that liberal arts are not a waste of time.

    Schools that blow this off are stupid. Students are often bored by these classes. For heavens sake, bring them alive so they can understand the importance!


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