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Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Clinton: ‘Deploy Half a Billion More Solar Panels by End of My First Term’

Clinton: ‘Deploy Half a Billion More Solar Panels by End of My First Term’

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  1. just like what Obama bid. Wasted millions of dollars and now the solar companies are out of business and the tax payers are footing the bill. Hillary is just more of the same as Obama. I am over him and her also.

  2. I like solar panels, BUT, do we know what the downside is, really? I read about this one place out west that had so many concentrated in one spot, it was frying birds with a flight path over it.

    And I would like to ask Jim Ireton who also pulled a number out of his butt, tell me again when I can swim and fish in the Wicomico River? Safely, I mean.

  3. Guess she has from friends she owes in the solar business. Lying Crook !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Instead of giving money to the solar panel companies, refund it to the families that install them - you create more jobs and drive demand for the product - along with competition.

  5. 12:26 how about the federal government just stay out of it

  6. Billions more given to fake solar companies....yeah we get the hint

  7. Unless we find a way to do away with night and clouds, solar is a totally impractical. Looks like people are starting to realize that ethanol and wind turbines are also frauds.

  8. I've got a solar panel for you, Hillary. Do you want it end or length wise?

  9. 12:51 has it spot on. Get the Federal Government out of Solar Energy and see if it can make it on it's own. Subsidies can only prop up a flawed business plan for so long before the collapse.

  10. Democrats have invested the money they stole from tax payers into green energy, That's why they hate all other kinds of energy. They just want to enrich themselves.


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